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    Washington abandons Erbil, and Sudanese imposes its conditions: international support has ended

    Admin Assist
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    Washington abandons Erbil, and Sudanese imposes its conditions: international support has ended Empty Washington abandons Erbil, and Sudanese imposes its conditions: international support has ended

    Post by Rocky Sat 11 Nov 2023, 4:34 am

    Washington abandons Erbil, and Sudanese imposes its conditions: international support has ended
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    Baghdad today - Erbil
    The former representative of the Kurdistan Justice Group, Ahmed Al-Hajj Rashid, said today, Saturday (November 11, 2023), that the abandonment of the international coalition, led by the United States of America, in supporting the Kurdistan region, made Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani impose his conditions on officials in the region.
    Hajj Rashid stated in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the United States of America and the major powers had a set of conditions for the purpose of continuing the support provided to the Kurdistan region, including addressing the issue of human rights violations and reforming the current conditions.”
    He added, "For this reason, the major countries retreated from supporting the region, and the decision of the International Arbitration Court came, after which the Sudanese took control of the decisions and imposed its full conditions on the regional government in the budget, oil, and other files, since the matter on which the regional government was relying, which is international support, has ended."
    On Thursday (November 9, 2023), Al-Sudani's plane landed at Erbil International Airport, and he was received by the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, and a number of officials, while the media office of the Iraqi Prime Minister later confirmed the news of his arrival.
    Al-Sudani’s visit to Erbil comes a day after the head of the Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers, Omid Sabah, announced that the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, sent two letters to the Iraqi Prime Minister, regarding amending the federal budget and sending the 700 billion dinars to the Kurdistan Region, on time. .
    According to a statement issued by the media office of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Al-Sudani’s meeting with Nechirvan Barzani discussed “a number of financial and political issues and files at the national level, and stressed the need to coordinate efforts, in order to support the government in implementing its government program, the axes of which focus on improving services and advancing reality.” economic and living conditions throughout Iraq. 
    The meeting also touched on "the Kurdistan Regional Parliament elections that will be held next February, and the importance of supporting the efforts of the Independent High Electoral Commission, in order to ensure fair elections that meet the aspirations and ambitions of the citizens of the region," in addition to discussing a number of security and economic aspects, and the challenges facing the goal of strengthening Stability and sustainability.
    After his arrival in Erbil, Al-Sudani met with Masoud Barzani at the Salah al-Din resort in Erbil Governorate.
    According to a statement issued by Al-Sudani’s office, the meeting witnessed the exchange of views and discussion of all public issues at the national level, and follow-up of the most important files in the implementation of the government program, in addition to research into the latest security and political developments at the region level, and the tragic events taking place in the Gaza Strip. 
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