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    Parliament Finance issues a call to the government regarding the private sector and job creation

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliament Finance issues a call to the government regarding the private sector and job creation Empty Parliament Finance issues a call to the government regarding the private sector and job creation

    Post by Rocky Sat 10 Feb 2024, 6:57 am

    Parliament Finance issues a call to the government regarding the private sector and job creation

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Today, Saturday, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, stressed the need for the government to take firm steps towards ensuring the rights of the private sector and paving the way for it to resolve the labor and unemployment crisis in the country.
    Al-Kadhimi said in an interview followed by Al-Eqtisad News, “The private sector is the main factor in developing the economy and creating wealth and jobs, indicating that the government must adopt policies and reforms that encourage local investment and production.”
    He added, "Among the practical steps that must be taken is to encourage the allocation of an amount for the industrial initiative by opening factories and launching internal industry, in addition to encouraging agricultural initiative and facilitating the work of the private sector while implementing the private sector security law so that there is retirement for retirees from the private sector."
    The member of Parliamentary Finance stressed, “The government must consult the private sector in order to advance all these aspects, as developing the work of the private sector is not limited to relying on the Ministry of Industry or the Ministry of Agriculture and other ministries, but rather taking into account the experiences and opinions of the private sector, including merchants, businessmen, and industrialists.”
    Al-Kadhimi continued, “Supporting investment, as well as the housing sector, which can attract or attract tens of thousands of workers, if not hundreds of thousands, are necessary matters,” pointing out that “these steps must be considered by the government to end the issue of appointments and job slackness and solve a large part of the problem.” The problem of the job crisis or unemployment.
    Al-Kadhimi concluded by saying, “The Parliamentary Finance Committee supports all efforts aimed at strengthening the role of the private sector and improving the economic and social situation of citizens.”

    Views 41
    Added 02/10/2024 - 3:27 PM
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