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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    How did Baghdad exploit it? The factions stop their attacks against American forces at the request o

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    How did Baghdad exploit it? The factions stop their attacks against American forces at the request o Empty How did Baghdad exploit it? The factions stop their attacks against American forces at the request o

    Post by Rocky Sun 18 Feb 2024, 4:23 am

    How did Baghdad exploit it? The factions stop their attacks against American forces at the request of Qaani
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - follow-up 
    In a report published today, Sunday (February 18, 2024), Reuters International revealed the details of Hezbollah’s announcement in Iraq to stop its attacks against American forces after three American soldiers were killed in an attack targeting their base in Jordan last month. 
    The agency said, according to what Baghdad Today translated, that the leader of the Iranian Quds Forces, Ismail Qaani, traveled to Iraq on the twenty-ninth of last January, and held a meeting at Baghdad International Airport with leaders and officials of the armed factions in Iraq, during which he asked them to “stop attacks on American forces, less than 48 hours after the United States announced the killing of three of its soldiers at the “Tower 22” military base in Jordan. 
    She continued, "Qaani warned the leaders of retaliatory strikes that the United States would carry out directly targeting them, or the infrastructure of their factions," adding, "Some sources also confirmed that Qaani is taking into consideration that the Americans will directly target Iran or strike its warship currently stationed near Yemen." , according to her description. 
    The sources said, “Qaani informed the leaders of the militant groups that American bloodshed might entail the risk of a severe American response, including attacks on senior leaders and the destruction of key infrastructure, or even direct retaliation against Iran, as all groups immediately agreed to Qaani’s proposal.” One group, Kataib Hezbollah, announced the next day that it would stop attacking American positions, while Harakat al-Nujaba announced that it would continue its attacks against American forces until they left the area.
    The agency confirmed that “the information about Qaani’s instructions may be the reason that prompted Washington to delay its military response to the killing of its soldiers for about six consecutive days,” explaining, “The United States did not want escalation and was aware of the faction leaders exploiting that critical period by evacuating their centers before they were exposed to American bombing.” ". 
    Reuters also noted that “attacks on American forces have stopped since February 4th, suggesting that “Qaani’s movements, Washington’s knowledge of them, and consequently its delay in military response operations” contributed to reducing tension and sparing the region a direct conflict,” according to its report. 
    Reuters also explained that “the cessation of attacks against American forces on the one hand, and the latter’s implementation of retaliatory bombing operations inside Iraq, gave the Baghdad government an opportunity to revive negotiations related to the final exit of American forces from the country,” noting that “the Iraqi government’s discussions with the American side may be The reason why Qaani limited his request to stop attacks against American forces in Iraq only, and not to push him towards the Houthis in Yemen.”
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