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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The state of law prepares a “secret five-way mixture” to hijack the position of governor of Diyala w

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The state of law prepares a “secret five-way mixture” to hijack the position of governor of Diyala w Empty The state of law prepares a “secret five-way mixture” to hijack the position of governor of Diyala w

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Mar 2024, 4:55 am

    The state of law prepares a “secret five-way mixture” to hijack the position of governor of Diyala with “everyone’s satisfaction”

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    Baghdad today - Diyala
    The former leader of the State of Law coalition, Raad Al-Mas, confirmed today, Friday (March 8, 2024), the launch of the principle of social justice as a main philosophy in forming the next Diyala government.
    Al-Mas told "Baghdad Today", "The State of Law coalition held 4 important meetings during the past 48 hours with political blocs in the Diyala Council in order to present the program of its candidate for the position of governor, which was determined in 5 main points."
    He pointed out that "the most prominent of these points is social justice, which will directly address Diyala's problems in distributing reconstruction projects, helping the poor, economic recovery, curbing corruption, and seeking to revive large sectors to absorb unemployment, in addition to resolving the issue of compensation for the liberated areas and returning the remaining displaced families in the liberated areas." Reviving strategic projects and developing a plan to address the housing crisis and end the disputes that hinder the return of some areas in accordance with a comprehensive national vision.”
    He added, "The State of Law coalition program will focus on a national partnership government by decision, and all its components will have a presence in the booth," pointing out that "the meetings were very positive amid interaction with the State of Law candidate, against whom no (veto) has been issued by any political bloc so far." ".
    Al-Mas pointed out that "the State of Law coalition's consultations are continuing today and tomorrow, and we may reach final results within a short period, especially since all forces, without exception, realize the importance of accelerating the pace of forming the Diyala government and ending the political impasse, especially since the State of Law officially presented its candidate the day before yesterday in front of public opinion." .
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      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 5:20 pm