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    Details of the telephone call between the Sudanese and the Ukrainian President

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272112
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Details of the telephone call between the Sudanese and the Ukrainian President Empty Details of the telephone call between the Sudanese and the Ukrainian President

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 May 2024, 4:43 am

    Details of the telephone call between the Sudanese and the Ukrainian President

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    Baghdad Today - Baghdad
    Today, Tuesday (May 21, 2024), Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received a phone call from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which he extended an official invitation to participate in the “Peace in Ukraine” conference, which will be held in Switzerland next month.
    A statement from the Prime Minister's Office, received by "Baghdad Today", stated that "the call witnessed discussion of bilateral relations between the two countries."
    Al-Sudani and Zelensky also stressed, according to the statement, "the importance of convening the joint Iraqi-Ukrainian committee, to enhance economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, as well as cooperation in the fields of food security and energy."
    The statement added, "The call addressed Ukrainian companies operating in Iraq, and the government's steps and procedures in providing the ideal investment environment stimulating work and investment.
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      Current date/time is Sat 15 Jun 2024, 4:47 pm