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    Washington and its strategic vision for the Middle East

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Washington and its strategic vision for the Middle East Empty Washington and its strategic vision for the Middle East

    Post by Rocky Tue 18 Jun 2024, 4:55 am

    [size=38]Washington and its strategic vision for the Middle East[/size]

    Washington and its strategic vision for the Middle East Screenshot-2023-08-11-at-19.05.43

    June 18, 2024
    Baghdad / Obelisk Event:
    Muhammad Hassan Al-Saadi
    Since the outbreak of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” earthquake, the United States has completely changed its approach towards the Middle East in general, and has gone even further than that in its dealings with the Israeli entity. Despite its serious standing with it in the conflict with Hamas, it has not completely pushed back against Tel Aviv, and has remained holding on to the strings. The game from afar, while preserving its cards in the region, whether with the Gulf states, Iraq, or the rest of the countries of the region, and thus adopted the method of maneuvering and saving the cards, in order to keep its interests preserved on the one hand with the Arabs, and to protect Israel on the other hand, provided that it remains the “rule” in Middle East Stadium and closely monitors the performance of all its competitors.
    The American administration supported all efforts that adopted the principle of change in the region, starting with the “Arab Spring,” and all the results were negative and did not achieve any of its set goals. This is because the approach followed by Washington was unclear and marred by many signs of confusion and questioning. Therefore, it seeks to betray the president.” Biden “to redraw a new map for the region, starting from Palestine by revitalizing the authority of Mahmoud Abbas so that it can restore its rule and control over Gaza City, and to engage in the new map project during the second half of this year, as it found a number of important data for this map that can Achieving it on the ground in the Palestinian territories.
    The attempts made by the United States in its efforts to transform the Middle East were very clear, and they were a failure by all standards because they did not achieve the goals of “geopolitical” change. Therefore, even these movements sparked great controversy about Washington’s purpose in all this movement and what it wants?

    And whether it should leave the Middle East, monitor who, or remain focused in it?!
    After the events of September 11, the administration of George W. Bush adopted the principle of “democracy,” which calls for combating terrorism and extremism. In this direction, great efforts were made, specifically in the Middle East region. It helped rid the Iraqis of the previous regime and reshape Iraqi society according to this democracy, but it Despite its failure to implement these standards and its clash with the psychological and ideological pillars of Iraqi society, it was unable to impose its vision and imports on Iraq and its people, and remained stagnant in this context. Internal tools, such as humanitarian or non-governmental organizations, moved to consolidate the concepts of democracy in Iraq, and the same efforts did so as well to Building a Palestinian state, which was based on the idea that “any peace must be achieved through democratic political reform.”

    The same thing was practiced with Iran through the nuclear agreement signed by President Obama, which was intended to partner with Tehran in the region and attempt to transform the Middle East into another aspect through which Iran could practice its policy and share power in the region. Washington has completely failed in this approach. When it wanted the logic of force to prevail in changing the region, it is therefore better for the Biden administration to avoid any effort that would allow the use of force there and resort to the logic of force to impose another will on the Palestinians. Rather, it is better for Washington to seek to neutralize the Israeli entity from any future confrontation. In the Middle East, and going to coordinate roles with the main players in it, and that any efforts made by Washington to bring views closer between the Israeli entity and the Palestinians will completely fail, and that the real position will inevitably be on the ground.

      Current date/time is Wed 26 Jun 2024, 12:40 pm