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    Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector


    Posts : 1858
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    Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector Empty Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector

    Post by Proven Sun 15 Mar 2015, 8:12 pm

    Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector

    Published on Sunday, March 15 / March 2015 07:35

    Interviewed by: Laith Mohammed Reza
    BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network ( IMN ) - Industrial veteran in charge of preparing the industrial strategy Bassem Jamil Anton, that the revitalization of the sector strategy will begin legislation rewarding retirement private sector law, in order to attract a large number of workers a year and boost the private sector to alleviate the burden of restructuring of the sector year, pointing out that the text of the Constitution in Article (111) that the oil belongs to all the Iraqi people, he did not say that the king of staff only, but the reality of the estimated labor force of eight and a half million workers, says that four million of them staff the state and they have the right to retire, and the rest are denied of retirement right, because they work in the private sector.

    With counting assigned by the Prime Minister to prepare activate the industrial sector strategy within the National Expert Group to activate the productive sectors, to call Abadi us a private sector and entrust so important, historic initiative, because it is the first in Iraq, where experts from the private sector is headed committees and choose the team that works with out a working paper to be a guide to the process of economic Iraq.

    Between Anton in an interview conducted by the Center Brief that "Our team is a practical mechanisms to build an integrated environment, based on the base of infrastructure, electricity and the establishment of industrial cities and the development of existing industrial zones, as well as stop the benefits of registered loans against industrialists by the state, which has become a burden on the private sector." .

    He explained that "we divide the required policy package for the development of the industrial sector to the sides, the first legislative respect to the four laws enacted without the implementation of the Consumer Protection Law No. (1) for the year 2010 and the Law on the Protection of Iraqi products No. (11) for the year 2010, competition law and antitrust No. (14) for the year 2010 and the Law on customs tariff number (22) for the year 2010, "noting that" There is a general mechanisms procedure to activate the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control to take the role, with the possibility of the use of laboratories civil assist in the examination of the types of goods, as well as the revitalization of the customs border points and instructive elements efficient and sincere. "

    Industrial and added that "the financial aspect of the strategy will be directed to address industrial loans and support loans march through the establishment of a development bank is managed with the mentality of a successful investment, and not with the mentality of bureaucracy dependent routine, nepotism and applications prohibitive," noting that "the private industrial sector more than 20 000 licensed project does not work, including only 10% because of the current obstacles. "
    Anton said that "the strategy would side to choose industries that raw materials are available locally and accommodate large hands working to reduce unemployment rates, and reduce the need to import in order to save hard currency, and anticipated development will depend on the industries that add to gross domestic product greater value, such as petrochemicals, construction industries that absorb labor and be basic rule for the construction of housing units, but we will not lose sight of the support of small and medium industries that create few jobs, because a few are also mandated. "

    Anton said that "when we have 30% of the industrial strategy anticipated, we will be reached important to accomplish to save the national economy, but we aspire to more than that, and also that the lesson is not legislation stimulating the laws of the economy, but in the application as well as the case of the strategies, as we have seen more than 16 strategy since 2003, remained on the shelves were not implemented ", adding that" the new strategy is backed by a senior political decision of the private sector, optimistic seriously Prime Minister in his decision to formulate an economic platform and clear for the development of Iraq's economy, was the oldest political reconciliation which should Nstthmrh as the first step in the path of development ".
    He stressed Anton that "there are special attention to the achievement of national protection for cement locally produced and who suffers from dumping commodity Balsment foreign Dhi brands poor quality and cheap, in some countries exporting cement industry be supported, especially Iran, which provide laboratories for cement fuel for free, while fuel costs for the production of tonnes of cement in Iraq 27 000 dinars. "

    Anton said that "the restructuring of the public sector companies will characterize them according to the extent of their productivity and their ability to cover the salaries of employees ratios where, where it will be for each project method of privatization, nor can we deal with all random, but will the strategy to improve enterprise productivity, and keep some of them, while others will be allocated and the transformation of the private sector with the ownership of company shares to employees and associates to feel that the project is theirs. "

    He added that "the public sector projects, the sale is another medication, and sales should be for industrial professionals, not parasites to moneylenders breaking industrial projects, to Ahthen behind a quick profit, as there industrialists are known, but they have lost their fortunes, they must mating between the private banking sector, as well as the public and between industrialists professionals for funding, but the central bank law does not currently allow banks to invest, "calling for" national private sector efficient, who emigrated to come back rather than go outside the country to support its investments. "

    He stressed Anton on "mode to ensure the legitimacy of restructuring and privatization to benefit from the experiences of countries that have preceded us mechanisms, as well as follow-up implementation of specialized devices with periodically every three months to the size of achievement evaluation, and application of corporate governance among stakeholders, employees and managers holders standards with practical management transparently to achieve a balance between Parties and the rule of law. "

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    Posts : 1858
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    Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector Empty Re: Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector

    Post by Proven Mon 16 Mar 2015, 8:54 am

    Need those soft loans to start development!

    Baghdad Investment form a higher committee to follow up on delayed projects and criticize banks

    Author: ASJ, HH
    Editor: BK, HH 16.3.2015 10:30 Long-Presse / Baghdad

    Announced Investment Authority, Baghdad, on Monday, the formation of a higher committee for investment projects to follow up late, and as pointed out the presence of 130 ongoing projects in the capital now, banks have criticized the "lack of funding".

    The head of the body, Shaker Zamili, in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The problems facing investment projects in Baghdad pushed the body to form a higher committee for Investment, headed by the governor of Baghdad, Ali al-Tamimi, and the membership of the Commission and relevant departments, to be represented by the degree of employee director general or higher, "noting that" the Committee has met twice with the two met a number of investors to discuss the obstacles and was able to overcome a big part of it. "

    He Zamili, that "the Commission decided to meet every Tuesday with a number of investors to find out the problems and solve them," adding that "the Commission included in its membership recently Baghdad police chief, who promised to provide continuous protection of investment projects and the opening line in direct contact with it."

    The Director of Investment Authority, Baghdad, that "the constraints of existing unresolved without the presence of a successful investment projects", stressing that "the presence of nearly 130 investment projects currently operating, including housing, health, tourism and trade."

    He Zamili, that "projects currently operating is not the level of ambition to make Baghdad the capital of a thriving investment," attributing it to "a lot of reasons, including project financing problems, the absence of the role of banks in this regard, because all investments in the world supported by the banks, whether governmental own mother, Unlike the case in Iraq, despite the receipt of material in the Investment Law No. 8, emphasizes the need to seek the Ministry of Finance and the banks to provide soft loans to investors. "

    Zamili and stressed that "the investor could cover about 30% of the project to be supported by the state to create jobs and large partisan."

    The Investment Authority, Baghdad was awarded in 2014, the last .295 leave total amount reached nearly $ 14 billion, for a variety of projects and distributed to residential and industrial, commercial and tourism sectors.

    Referred to the House of Representatives passed in October of 2006, the Iraqi investment law, which it was said at the time that it would open the door to foreign investment, because introducing a lot of facilities to foreign investors, but that many foreign companies are still hesitant because of fears of the security situation is stable in Iraq, adding that the law did not give investors the right to ownership of the property the project, and equated the Iraqi investors and foreign investment in each of privileges, with the exception of real estate ownership, as can the foreign investor of the lease the land for 50 years, subject to renewal, according to paragraph 11 of the Investment Law.

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    Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector Empty Re: Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector

    Post by Proven Mon 16 Mar 2015, 12:06 pm

    Here is an article from 21 December 2014 explaining the need for the development bank and the need to implement the Investment law of 2006.  Both are needed to active Economic Development:

    The committee said in the final statement of the conference, which was held at the Rashid Hotel in Baghdad that "the conferees Khrjo several recommendations, including the workshop investment where it was agreed that the application of Article 30 of the Investment Law No. 13 average in 2006 to hand over the land during the period of time not to exceed 60 days, otherwise devolve these national lands to invest to be allocated to investors and investment cooperation with the provincial bodies (financial, municipalities and ministries committed to providing the land, and forcing authorities allocated land for investment delivered within 30 days, according to the provisions of Article 14 of the first system No. 2 for the year 2009 ".

    I bet this is the encumbered DFI money:

    She added, "on the side of the funding has been agreed to set up a development bank for the purposes of the development of industrial, agricultural, tourist and residential projects and other essential to achieve sustainable development and economic projects can be financed by the bank through the issuance of government bonds is deducted at the Central Bank when the need is also estimate the financial needs of the Bank of major strategic projects by allocating 1% of the total state budget over seven years, subject to extension. "

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector Empty Re: Anton: Activate industry strategy will begin rewarding retirement of the private sector

    Post by Screwball Tue 17 Mar 2015, 5:04 am

    Considering this law has had its second reading along with many others I believe they are sitting just waiting!

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