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    Rogozin: ready to supply Iraq with aircraft Sukhoi (Super Jet)

    Admin Assist
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    Rogozin: ready to supply Iraq with aircraft Sukhoi (Super Jet) Empty Rogozin: ready to supply Iraq with aircraft Sukhoi (Super Jet)

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Feb 2016, 8:58 am

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    Russian civilian aircraft type (Sukhoi Super Jet)
    Rogozin: ready to supply Iraq with aircraft Sukhoi (Super Jet)

    Author: HH 
    Editor: HH 02.11.2016 17:08 Number of Views: 161 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad 
    The Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, said Thursday his country's readiness to supply Iraq with a civilian aircraft type "Sukhoi Super Jet", as he emphasized that the aircraft take off horizontally.
     Said Dmitry Rogozin during a joint press conference with Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad, and attended by, (range Press), "The Russian delegation came to Iraq on board the new aircraft (Sukhoi Super Jet)," asserting that "those aircraft flying horizontally reverse Airbus and Boeing, which take off gradually, being a manufacturer plants warplanes. "
    He Rogozin, his country's readiness "to sell these aircraft to Iraq to be used to transfer passengers in addition to military cooperation."
    The aircraft (Super Jet 100), a civil regional aircraft comprising of 75 to 95-seat plane was designed by the Russian Sukhoi in cooperation with US Boeing Company, and was the first flight of the aircraft, in the 19th of May 2008, and entered service in the 21st of April 2011, and are designed aircraft (Super jet 100), to compete with Brazilian aircraft (Embraer) and Canadian (Bombardier) in the regional aircraft market.

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