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    Parliamentary Legal likely to vote on a legal amnesty of the Federal Court in a hearing next Thursda

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentary Legal likely to vote on a legal amnesty of the Federal Court in a hearing next Thursda Empty Parliamentary Legal likely to vote on a legal amnesty of the Federal Court in a hearing next Thursda

    Post by Rocky Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:49 pm

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    Parliamentary Legal likely to vote on a legal amnesty of the Federal Court in a hearing next Thursday

    Author: AHF, BS, MK 
    Editor: AHF, BS 15/2/2016 18:22 Number of Views: 106 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Declared the legal committee member of the parliamentary Salim Chawki, on Monday, the possibility of the House vote on the legal and amnesty of the Federal Court in a hearing next Thursday, and while pointing to the possibility of the inclusion of the defendants amnesty law after compromise with the victims, confirmed the agreement on the re-trial of the defendants who were detained issues confidential informant or confessions under duress.
    Said Shawki in an interview (range Press), "The representatives of the political blocs and the parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri, agreed to vote on the law of the Federal Court and the law of a general amnesty in a meeting next Thursday," noting that "it was agreed that the two laws it is possible to vote on them."
    He said Shawki that "it was agreed that a proposal submitted by the Liberal bloc to include the law of amnesty on the re-trial of the defendants who were detained issues came through confidential informant or who have been charged as a result of taking the confessions under duress," noting that "the issues that waiver of those with the victims possible buyout amnesty The crimes that do not affect the sovereignty and security of the country, provided state funds included. "
    The parliamentary legal committee announced its intention to provide (Amnesty Law) to the vote, referring to the convergence of the political parties on controversial items. The Commission is also preparing to move to pass a law to determine the prime minister through two sessions to end the second reading. The Commission wants, in the coming period, the study of the new parliamentary reforms in order to be submitted to a vote.
    And come and conscription and bear arms of the Federal Court Rules, however, the state, among the priorities of the parliament in the legislative term.
     The Shawki counted in, January 15 2015, the "most important priorities of the House of Representatives in the next legislative term is legislation amnesty law after obtaining the recent substantial convergence of views between the various political blocs when reduced exceptions, which were hampering passed, to only seven, indicating that the Federal Court Act will occupy the second stage in the hierarchy of the concerns of parliament during the next chapter because it arrived at the stage of voting.
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