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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Salahuddin management demanding Abadi solving the problem of retirees of local council

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Salahuddin management demanding Abadi solving the problem of retirees of local council Empty Salahuddin management demanding Abadi solving the problem of retirees of local council

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 Feb 2016, 5:12 am

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    Salahuddin Council at its meeting held in the city of Tikrit
    Salahuddin management demanding Abadi solving the problem of retirees of local councils

    Author: AM, AR 
    Editor: AR 2.21.2016 10:40 Number of Views: 157 

    Long-Presse / Salahuddin
    Salah called for debt management, on Sunday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to dissolve local councils retirees salaries of the problem, and called upon to approve the amnesty law as one of the steps of national reconciliation, confirmed that al-Abadi promised to meet the demands of the province.
    The Secretary of the Board of Salahuddin Mekhlef the return of al-Dulaimi said in an interview to the (long-Presse) that "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, received a delegation from the Government of the local Salahuddin province included Speaker Ahmed Karim and purses Raed Ibrahim and a number of members of the Council," noting that "the meeting discussed several files and edit most prominent spend Sharqat plan. "
    Dulaimi said that "the delegation discussed with al-Abadi displaced file and sent back to their areas liberated and the importance of rehabilitation of the Baiji refinery," pointing out that "the government delegation demanded an end to the problem of al-Abadi stop the salaries of retirees of local councils."
    He pointed out the secretary that "the meeting saw a search of the political situation in the province and to develop ways of stability as well as demanding the adoption of the amnesty law as one of the steps of national reconciliation," asserting that "all agreed to make efforts to end the conflict and the closure of the rivalry."
    Dulaimi and pointed out that "Abadi expressed its response to all the demands and promised to meeting them praising the efforts of the provincial government with the help of the security forces and the popular crowd in the liberation of the cities of Conception Daash battles, and efforts to achieve civil peace."
    Referred to the Integrity Commission it had decided to suspend disbursement of pensions for members of local councils and support councils in Salahuddin province, due to suspicions of financial corruption through for thousands of people on pensions unlawfully and contrary to the law of the state treasury and assigned about 400 billion dinars.

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