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    The opening of the preliminary draft Zubair oil field production plants

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The opening of the preliminary draft Zubair oil field production plants Empty The opening of the preliminary draft Zubair oil field production plants

    Post by Rocky Sat 05 Mar 2016, 3:33 am

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    The opening of the preliminary draft Zubair oil field production plants

     Basra / long-Presse 

    The Oil Ministry announced, for the opening of the first phase of the primary production plants in the Zubair field production capacity of 200 thousand barrels per day, indicating that the units remaining open during the next two months to reach the design capacity amounting to 300 thousand barrels per day. 
    The agent said the minister of oil extraction for Refugees, Fayyad grace, during the opening of the first production plants ceremony at the Zubair field and attended (range Press), " the completion of the preliminary draft of production plants in the Zubair oil field more than three years took the efforts of the South oil company and Italy 's ENI combined with Kocaz Korean company, Occidental Petroleum of the USA . " , noting that " the importance of the project lies in its contribution to increase the rate of production at the Zubair field." 
    for his part, the director of the run - Zubair, Abdul Jabbar Abdul - Abbas, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the draft production plants in the Zubair field works design capacity of 300 thousand barrels of oil per day ,"noting that" the project spread over three locations and comprises six units operating , each of which produces 50 thousand barrels a day. " 
    he explained Abdul - Abbas, said : " the first location opened today with a capacity of 200 thousand barrels in the hope of opening other signatories through the next two months to reach the design capacity of theproject. "
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