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    Saudi Arabia borrow $ 10 billion for the first time in 25 years

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Saudi Arabia borrow $ 10 billion for the first time in 25 years Empty Saudi Arabia borrow $ 10 billion for the first time in 25 years

    Post by Rocky Wed 20 Apr 2016, 6:28 am

    Saudi Arabia borrow $ 10 billion for the first time in 25 years

    April 20, 2016

    Saudi Arabia borrow $ 10 billion for the first time in 25 years Mnmnmi-640x360
    Our economy / Baghdad
    Revealed the Financial Times newspaper, in its edition on Wednesday that Saudi Arabia is seeking to borrow $ 10 billion for the first time in 25 years after the decline in financial reserve, attributed the reason to the drop in oil price, while explained that the deficit in the general budget of the Kingdom of the proportion is expected to rise to about 19 percent.

    The newspaper Financial Times British subject at the top of its front page entitled "Saudi Arabia borrow $ 10 billion after the decline in financial reserve because of the low price of oil."
    The paper says, the Kingdom seeks for the first time in 25 years to borrow $ 10 billion through loans from several international banks to support the financial reserve, which has fallen sharply over the past two years because of falling oil prices.

    The paper points out that the Kingdom which prevented the decision of the oil-producing countries to reduce production to raise world prices for crude has lost about $ 120 billion due to fluctuations in the price of oil since mid-2014.

    The paper adds that the ratio of the deficit in the general budget of the queen is expected to rise to about 19 per cent of the total national income of the country during the current year.

    And the movement of the newspaper from international experts economists expecting that the Riyadh launched the first securities in global stock markets after the completion of these loans where he awaits international lenders consolidate their gains later in the height of the Saudi financial bond prices in international stock markets.

      Current date/time is Mon 13 Jan 2025, 11:36 pm