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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOI


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    SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOI Empty SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOI

    Post by Lobo Thu 05 May 2016, 6:02 pm

    SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOIA Freedom of Information Act
    Posted at 10:25 am on May 5, 2016 by Greg P.

    And by “SHOCKING!” we mean, not shocking at all:
    This particular FOIA request pertains to information on how the State Department secured Hillary’s home-brew server against security threats, which is something voters deserve to know before the election. From Vice:
    In March 2015, soon after Clinton’s secret personal email account was reported by the New York Times, I filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Department asking for “communications, presentations, and procedures created by the State Department to secure Hillary Clinton’s email from electronic threats.” I filed a separate FOIA asking for emails sent to her personal account.
    December 2016, of course, is just after the election for the next president of the United States. The FOIA process is a notorious mess, but it is patently ridiculous that records pertaining to the security practices of someone who stands a very good chance of running the country—and thus being in possession of highly sensitive documents at all times—won’t be made available to the public a year and a half after they were requested.
    How convenient, especially in light of a new report from Fox News that Romanian hacker Marcel Lehel Lazar — also known as “Guccifer” — claims that he, and others, did hack into her server.
    Lazar was extradited to the U.S. last month and is thought to be cooperating with the F.B.I. on the probe of Clinton’s emails:
    From Fox News:
    In the process of mining data from the Blumenthal account, Lazar said he came across evidence that others were on the Clinton server.
    “As far as I remember, yes, there were … up to 10, like, IPs from other parts of the world,” he said.
    No wonder the State Dept. doesn’t want to come clean.

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    SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOI Empty Re: SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOI

    Post by Neno Thu 05 May 2016, 6:41 pm

    This is the establishment plus the Democratic process in charge equally globalist in CHARGE.
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOI Empty Re: SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOI

    Post by fonz1951 Thu 05 May 2016, 9:58 pm

    told ya she would never be charged, and the reason they're waiting until after the election is because they know everybody will be focused on everything else. unless she wins, then they will not bring charges because she will then be president.wait and see.

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    SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOI Empty Re: SHOCKING! State Dept. delays FOIA request on Clinton email security until ‘AFTER THE ELECTION’ - FOI

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