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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abdul-Mahdi, infallible and agree on a plan for the resumption of parliamentary sessions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abdul-Mahdi, infallible and agree on a plan for the resumption of parliamentary sessions Empty Abdul-Mahdi, infallible and agree on a plan for the resumption of parliamentary sessions

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 May 2016, 3:34 am

    [ltr]Abdul-Mahdi, infallible and agree on a plan for the resumption of parliamentary sessions[/ltr]

    [rtl]History[/rtl] of [rtl]edits:: 2016/5/6 8:46 • 175 visits readable[/rtl]
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    [Wayne - Baghdad] 
    The President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the importance of making rapid progress in resolving the problems facing the political process, as agreed with the oil minister, leader of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, Adel Abdul Mahdi, to develop a plan succeed the return of the House of Representatives to resume its meeting at the earliest.

    According to a presidential statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "said President Masum met with Abdul-Mahdi, and discussed with him political developments and ways to Iraq's success in overcoming the current economic crisis." 
    He infallible during the meeting on "the importance of making rapid progress in resolving the problems facing the political process, as agreed with Abdul-Mahdi, the need to deepen and intensify the dialogue between the political actors with the aim of understanding to develop a plan succeed the return of the House of Representatives to resume its meeting at the earliest as the institution Bandaj costly and adoption of appropriate solutions to all the problems facing the country at all times. " 
    The statement added that "a convergence of views on the need for frank and intensive dialogue as a way to reach solutions and consensus guarantor to resolve the current problems." 
    He praised the infallible to "strengthen Iraq's position among the oil-producing countries and rising oil production rates during the recent period," calling to "meet the needs of the Ministry of Electricity of oil during the next summer." 
    For his part, Abdul-Mahdi, a comprehensive presentation on the future plans of the ministry's efforts to achieve self-sufficiency in the oil industry, pointing to gains reduced import of oil derivatives from abroad rates. 

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