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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Economy: Conditions for international loans will improve the Iraqi economy

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Economy: Conditions for international loans will improve the Iraqi economy  Empty Parliamentary Economy: Conditions for international loans will improve the Iraqi economy

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Jun 2016, 9:07 am

    Parliamentary Economy: Conditions for international loans will improve the Iraqi economy 

    Sign in economy and investment parliamentary members, improving domestic economy to undergo Iraq to the terms of the international loans obtained recently.
    Said Ahmed Salim told all of Iraq [where] that "borrowing Iraq from the IMF and World Bank, he will be subject to international standards and requirements, and certainly the government Steksha on the local economy and that is important to raise the Iraqi economy in the event of the application of these requirements to the public and the private economy and be the level of the global economy." 
    He stressed that "failure to comply with these conditions, including the non-payment of levy to the government and customs fees and tax and this is subject to the terms, they affect the Iraqi economy." 
    He stressed "the importance of the launch of agricultural, industrial and housing loans, a task to revitalize the movement in these vital sectors." 
    The Ministry of Finance has announced that in 19 of the last May Iraq for a loan exceeds the $ 5.4 billion interest rate of 1.5% from the International Monetary Fund might allow Iraq to get another $ 15 billion in international aid over the next three years, as the Islamic Development Bank announced he taught lend Iraq $ 3 billion in the reconstruction of liberated areas and rehabilitation of infrastructure. 
    Iraq's economy has been hit due to the fall in oil prices since mid-2014 to below $ 50 in addition to what ails Baghdad of pressure on the budget because of the cost of the war against al Daash. 
    Document Monetary Fund showed that Iraq is expected to face a funding gap of up to $ 17 billion in the current year is not able to measure more money. 

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