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    Parliamentary economy excludes Iraq for international loans

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary economy excludes Iraq for international loans Empty Parliamentary economy excludes Iraq for international loans

    Post by Rocky Tue 19 Apr 2016, 7:23 am

    Parliamentary economy excludes Iraq for international loans

    BAGHDAD / JD / .. ruled out of the economic and investment commission in Parliament, Iraq seek international loans due to lack of political stability in the country, as pointed out that the current political crisis reflected on the general economic situation and the state paralyzed traffic.

    Said committee member Rep. Najiba Najib told / KD / The current political crisis impacted heavily on the general economic situation in the country and paralyzed the state movement because there is a halt to the work of most of the ministries and the disruption to the work of Parliament, which led to a big loss in economic terms and service delivery.

    She added that the donor countries of Iraq and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, speaking on condition that be political stability and easing the crisis and not to disadvantage any political party in exchange for granting Iraq, international loans and this has not been achieved so far, which means that Iraq will not Ihs on international loans that political stability has not been achieved.

    Iraq has been sit-ins and protests in a number of provinces to demand reforms and the dismissal of the three presidencies, while Aatsaa parliament testifies open by dozens of MPs to demand the resignation of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives. / 

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