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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Transportation expects to run the port of Faw in two years .. and port plans to increase the number

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    Transportation expects to run the port of Faw in two years .. and port plans to increase the number  Empty Transportation expects to run the port of Faw in two years .. and port plans to increase the number

    Post by Rocky Mon 20 Jun 2016, 3:43 am

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    Transportation expects to run the port of Faw in two years .. and port plans to increase the number of shelves to 83

     Baghdad / Muhannad Jawad 

    Revealed that the Ministry of Transport, on Sunday, for directing calls to foreign companies in the coming days, to invest in theport of Faw, and as likely to start the port ofFaw fully operational during the next two years, the General Company of Iraqi Ports revealed its intention to increase the shelves to 83 berths until 2018 , stressing that the plan includes the establishment of those sidewalks through investment and system interoperability, 
    said transport Minister Abdul Hussein Abtan, in an interview to a number of media, including the (long -Presse), on the sidelines of his visit to the port of Umm Qasr, "the Ministry of transportation will hold aconference at Baghdad international Airport in the coming days to announce the investment opportunities for foreign companies to carry out projects in the port of Faw and build sidewalks , "noting that" the move was because of austerity and lack of financial liquidity , which affected the implementation of the project Breakwater. " 
    He added Abtan, that" the project Breakwater and due to lack of liquidity and the financial allocations werenot pleased continuously so we are going to invite foreign companies and give them opportunities to build thejetties of the FAO - style action - term is the best way , "likely to" be running the port of Faw during the next two years. " 
    The Minister of transport, to be "Iraqi ports need to develop to rise to the level of ports in the region , " stressing that "the Ministry of transport is seeking to Iraqi ports are the first in the region through rehabilitation and keep abreast of developments as witnessed in the region." 
    the General Company of Iraqi ports announced on Tuesday (June 14th 2016), on the completion of 97% of the breaker eastern waves and 37% of his west within the project of the port of Faw, south of Basra province, confirmed that the financial crisis has prevented the implementation of infrastructure for the project, as attributed the reasons for the reluctance of foreign companies on its implementation to the "high cost" and the existence of a regional intervention to impede the project ruled out. 
    a source in the port of Faw revealed in ( the 29th of December 2015 the past), a partial collapse in thebreaker eastern waves port of Faw , overlooking the Arabian Gulf, south of Basra, while the promised ports are normal , work on the re - corrected confirmed by the contract with the contractor. 
    the transport Minister Bayan Jabr announced (24 December 2015 the past), on the transfer of implementation of the project port of Faw to Basra Holding company, confirmed reduce the amount of the project to onebillion three hundred million dollars, while Basra management indicated that the company is executing the project will offer 51% of the shares of value of the project on the population of the province. in 
    turn the company 's Director of Information Tigers Safi said in an interview to the (long - Presse), " thedevelopment of the southern port projects going on , especially on increasing the number of shelves to 83 until the next 2018 , "noting that" Iraq has 48 berths currently needed for 35 another. " 
    He added net, that" work is continuing to build seven piers out of 13 on the other side of the river the number one in the port of Umm Qasr , "noting that "seven sidewalks were referred by three of the company (ICTSI Philippine), is nearing completion, and the like for the company Lorraine for investment, while transmitted theother sidewalk to an Iraqi company." 
    He said the media ports manager, that "docks stronghold operate normally, and that the US company hasinvested berth No. 14 through co - operation and has the intention of another residence through interoperability , too , "stressing that" the new sidewalks are all held by investment and working co -operation, and that the company welcomes any point you want to do so on according to the conditions and laws. " 
    the Iraqi ports company announced in (18 May 2016), directly from the Philippine company to establish three berths in the port of Umm Qasr within the developmental curriculum for Iraqi ports, indicating that the cost of the project $ 380 million.
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