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    Trump Immigration speech wow! about time


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    Trump Immigration speech wow! about time Empty Trump Immigration speech wow! about time

    Post by wciappetta Thu 01 Sep 2016, 6:48 am

    Even to your old age, I will be the same and I will bear you up when you turn gray.
    I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you. -Isaiah 46:4
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    Trump Immigration speech wow! about time Empty Highlights of Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech and Mexico Trip

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Sep 2016, 6:53 am

    Highlights of Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech and Mexico Trip


    Trump Immigration speech wow! about time 01trumpbriefingweb2-master768

    Donald J. Trump at his campaign event in Phoenix on Wednesday. CreditTravis Dove for The New York Times
    Donald Trump, in his much-anticipated speech on immigration in Phoenix on Wednesday, pressed his hard-line approach to illegal immigration, even as he backed off a previous pledge to forcibly remove 11 million immigrants here illegally.

    Here’s what Mr. Trump offered in a plan for fighting illegal immigration:

    • Build the wall.
    • End the catch and release policy for undocumented immigrants and instead return them to their country of origin.
    • Have zero tolerance for undocumented immigrants who have committed a crime, and deport them.
    • Triple the number of deportation officers at the department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
    • Repeal President Obama’s executive orders that temporarily protected undocumented immigrants from deportation and authorized them to receive work permit
    • Stop issuing visas to any country where “adequate screening cannot occur” that might endanger national security;.
    • Ensure foreign countries take back deported immigrants from the United States (Mr. Trump said 23 countries refuse to do so).
    • Complete a biometric entry and exit visa tracking system under development. “It will be on land, it will be on sea, it will be in the air,” he said.
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    Presidential Election 2016

    The latest news and analysis of the candidates and issues shaping the presidential race.

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      Donald Trump, Far From Softening, Lays Out Tough Immigration PlansSEP 1

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      Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech: AnalysisAUG 31

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      A Look at Trump’s Immigration Plan, Then and NowAUG 31

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    And the other highlights from his speech:

    • Mr. Trump made the case that Washington elites and the media have put the focus, wrongly, on the plight of an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country, rather than the Americans impacted by their presence.
    “Anyone who tells you that the core issue is the needs of those living here illegally has simply spent too much time in Washington. Only the out of touch media elites think the biggest problems facing American society today is that there are 11 illegal immigrants who don’t have legal status.”
    • Trump ticked through the names of three Americans who were killed by undocumented immigrants. These are staples of his speeches and familiar to his audiences at this stage of the campaign. He has held them up as examples of an immigration system run amok with tragic consequences.
    • Comparing himself to Hillary Clinton, who he maligned throughout the speech, Mr. Trump asked: “What do you have to lose? Choose me.” It was an echo of a much mocked question he asked black voters recently.
    • “Maybe they’ll be able to deport her.” Mr. Trump wondered provocatively, whether it’s possible to send Mrs. Clinton out of the country.
    • A memorable passage from this speech: “Our message to the world will be this: You cannot obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country. Can’t do it. This declaration alone will stop the crisis of illegal crossing. You can’t just smuggle in, hunker down and wait to be legalized. Those days are over.”
    • Mr. Trump invited onto the stage the mothers and fathers of Americans whose children were killed by undocumented immigrants. He asked each to describe their children and how they died. He then kissed many of them on the cheek. It was the most emotional moment of the speech. “If you don’t vote Trump, we won’t have a country,” one of the mother told the audience.

    Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech: Analysis

    Donald J. Trump delivered a speech in Phoenix on Wednesday that was expected to clarify his shifting stance on hard-line immigration policies, following a trip to Mexico to speak with President Enrique Peña Nieto.

    Trump Immigration speech wow! about time 01TRUMPlivechat-master495

    Here are the highlights from Mr. Trump’s trip to Mexico: He reached out to the Mexican president and people.

    Mr. Trump, first reading slowly from a statement and then speaking more freely in response to a question, said he now considered Mr. Peña Nieto a friend and heaped praise on Americans of Mexican descent. Mexican-Americans, Mr. Trump said, were “beyond reproach” and “spectacular, hard-working people.”
    But Mr. Trump said he also told Mr. Peña Nieto directly that he felt Mexico had benefited disproportionately from its trade agreements with the United States, and that he had described illegal immigration as a problem for both countries.

    He raised his plan to build a wall, but there’s a dispute over whether he and Mr. Peña Nieto discussed who would pay for it.

    Mr. Trump said the two did not discuss the issue of forcing Mexico to pay for a border wall — one of the signature promises of his campaign. Mr. Peña Nieto did not challenge the idea during the news conference but later posted on Twitter that, during his meeting with Mr. Trump, he had made it clear that Mexico wouldn’t pay for the wall.

    Mr. Peña Nieto pressed Mr. Trump on his contentious comments and pushed back against his assertions on trade.

    Mr. Peña Nieto pushed back in the gentlest of terms on several of Mr. Trump’s claims on Nafta, citing U.S. Chamber of Commerce statistics to argue that free trade had been beneficial for both countries and stressing the economic importance of easy movement across the border.
    Without mentioning specific remarks by Mr. Trump, Mexico’s president said that hurtful comments had been made. “Mexican nationals in the United States are honest people, working people,” he said, adding, “Mexicans deserve everybody’s respect.”
    But Mr. Peña Nieto stopped well short of scolding Mr. Trump on the international stage. On the contrary, he expressed optimism that they could work together if Mr. Trump was elected president, “even though we do not agree on everything.”

    [size=11]DONALD TRUMP By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and REUTERS 1:42Trump and Peña Nieto Address Mexico

    Trump and Peña Nieto Address Mexico

    Donald J. Trump and Enrique Peña Nieto spoke about his visit to Mexico. Mr. Trump said his plan to build a border wall was discussed, but not who would pay for it.
     By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and REUTERS on Publish DateAugust 31, 2016. Photo by Rodrigo Cruz for The New York Times. Watch in Times Video »

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    Despite a call on social media for anti-Trump protesters, the turnout at one rally was underwhelming.

    The showing was something of a surprise, considering the sense of betrayal among many Mexicans, who feel that their president sold them out to the worst possible person.
    By the start time of 11 a.m., there were dozens of journalist but only a few protesters. A half-hour later, the number of protesters — at least those being vocal and carrying anti-Trump signs — seemed stuck at four, including a guy wearing a Mexican wrestling mask, while the number of journalists topped 50. By 12:30 p.m., there were no more than 10 demonstrators, while the journalist pack continued to balloon.
    Still, the protesters did their best to represent the anger and disappointment that many Mexicans have expressed toward Mr. Trump as well as toward Mr. Peña Nieto, who is struggling with low approval ratings and a string of scandals. He has spoken out sharply against Mr. Trump in the past, saying in a television interview last month that there was “no way” Mexico would pay for a border wall, and earlier comparing Mr. Trump’s campaign to the rise of Hitler.
    “The president didn’t represent the Mexican people, he didn’t consult with us,” said the demonstrator in the wrestling mask, who called himself “Maldito Perro” — Damned Dog — though later said his real name was Diego Garcia.
    He admitted to being disappointed by the anemic turnout. Social media activity, he lamented, seemed to be replacing the time-honored tradition of the street protest.
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    Trump Immigration speech wow! about time Empty Re: Trump Immigration speech wow! about time

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Sep 2016, 7:00 am

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    Trump Immigration speech wow! about time Empty Trump immigration speech: A president was born on Wednesday

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Sep 2016, 7:10 am

    [size=48]Trump immigration speech: A president was born on Wednesday[/size]
    Trump Immigration speech wow! about time 1466795319637
    [size=14]By Wayne Allyn Root
     Published September 01, 2016

    Trump proposes 'ideological certification' for immigrants

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    America, we were introduced to our next president on Wednesday night. He’s not a politician. He is one of a kind. He is an American. Welcome President Donald J. Trump.
    I’m a cynical Jewish Ivy Leaguer from New York. Nothing gets me too excited. I don’t believe politicians. Nor do I believe in politicians. I don’t fall for theatrical political productions. I don’t believe rhetoric or propaganda. And I’ve never teared up over a political speech in my life.
    Until now. . .
    Wednesday night I found myself fist-pumping. I found myself chanting along with the crowd “USA, USA, USA.” And as the procession of mothers and fathers came up to the podium to state the name of their child -- who was murdered by illegal immigrants -- and then say “I’m voting for Trump” or “Trump is our last chance to save America” I found myself tearing up. And the amazing thing is… I couldn't stop. The tears rolled down my face.
    This speech in Arizona was the game-changer.
    Not just the speech, but the entire day. Trump accepted the invitation to meet with the President of Mexico. He showed he’s a man of action by flying to Mexico on a moment’s notice. Trump stood next to Mexico's president -- looking to all the world like President Donald J. Trump. Trump stated his case and never gave an inch to the president of Mexico. Trump turned a vision -- that was mocked and ripped to shreds for a year now -- into a reality. Who now believes that if Trump is elected a wall won’t be built?
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    Trump Immigration speech wow! about time Empty Re: Trump Immigration speech wow! about time

    Post by mochasmom Thu 01 Sep 2016, 8:04 am

    It was awesome!

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