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    Parliamentary Integrity reveal the existence of significant financial irregularities in the final ac

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentary Integrity reveal the existence of significant financial irregularities in the final ac Empty Parliamentary Integrity reveal the existence of significant financial irregularities in the final ac

    Post by Rocky Wed 09 Nov 2016, 1:56 am

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    Parliamentary Integrity reveal the existence of significant financial irregularities in the final accounts for the years 2008 up to 2011

     Baghdad / term 

    Revealed to the Parliamentary Integrity Commission, on Tuesday, the existence of many financial irregularities in the final accounts voted on by the House of Representatives for the years from 2008 up to 2011 and will be forwarded to the judiciary, indicating that the irregularities relate regardless outside the customization and a large waste of funds and operational budgets. 

    The MP said a member of the Integrity Committee parliamentary Mazen Mezni, at a press conference held bythe House of Representatives building, and I followed the "long", " the final accounts for the years 2008-2009-2010-2011 referred by the government to parliament includes many financial abuses by observations that snap BSA." 
    He added that "among these observations not to settle advance funding exceeded 124 trillion dinars , the Accounting Department , Ministry of Finance indicated that they do not have the priorities originally or lost Maani loss responsibility and cover up of the squandering of public money." 
    "we categorically reject the ratification of these accounts where the settlement of financial irregularities andlegal cover of the squandering of public money and Osa corrupt it, and encouraged to continue wasting public money and encourage corrupt to persist with their corruption , "adding that , " the former parliament voted on the final accounts for the years 2005-2006 has not been taking any action in the face from the evidence of his palaces. " 
    he stressed Mezni that" we stand close with all of the wasted public money and we hope the presidency should not show the final accounts to authenticate again until after the negligent accountable and bring them to the competent courts , "explaining that" the presidency of the parliament insisted on display the final accounts for authentication although the objection of a majority of the House of Representatives on display, this is part of the settlement 
    policy. " 
    for his part , announced the integrity Committee member Taha defense, that the final accounts that havebeen voted on for the years 2008 up to 2011 in which violations will be forwarded to the judiciary, noting that the irregularities relate regardless outside the customization and waste funds. 
    he said the defensive in an interview, " the final accounts that have been voted on for the years 2008 up to 2011 where irregularities and errors by the BSA , " noting that " the vote was opposed because it would give those accounts recipe legitimacy and legality." 
    he said the defense, that " discussions that took place before the vote showed that the vote on these irregularities would give a legal right, and it will be sent to the integrity Commission and the judiciary , "noting that" irregularities Eshrha Court regarding advances and not to put them out and settled in exchange outside the allocation budget, as well as a waste of money did not know its fate up to now . " . 
    the Iraqi Council of Representatives voted on Monday (November 7, 2016), during its 29th legislative term of the first legislative year , the third on the final accounts for the years 2008.2009, 2010.2011.
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