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    Vice reveals the doors of the exchange rate of the deduction of 0.8% of the staff budget

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Vice reveals the doors of the exchange rate of the deduction of 0.8% of the staff budget Empty Vice reveals the doors of the exchange rate of the deduction of 0.8% of the staff budget

    Post by Rocky Thu 08 Dec 2016, 8:14 am

    Vice reveals the doors of the exchange rate of the deduction of 0.8% of the staff budget

    Thursday 8 December 2016 15:31

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     News / Baghdad 
    revealed the parliamentary finance committee member Husam punitive, Thursday, the doors that will be the exchange rate of 0.8% of the deductions from employees 'salaries, amounting to 3.8%, which included in the budget for fiscal 2017. 

    The punitive in an interview with Alsumaria's News, said that "there is a paragraph included in deductions from employees, amounting to 3.8% represented social justice and a great humanitarian aspect , "pointing out that" the rate of 0.8%, which Popt earlier ones, were distributed to the most important projects in the governorates ofIraq. "


    He punitive, that " the proportion was awarded part of the province of Muthanna for the development of the health of the province and the establishment of an emergency Rumaitha circle, in addition to monitoring another part of the development ofinfrastructure in Halabja province province of Kurdistan , in addition to the allocation offunds for the reconstruction of bridges damaged in the Anbar province , caused byterrorist acts." 

    He punitive, it " has also been part of the percentage allocation to the province ofBabylon , to complete the bridge at all unilateral way to work back and forth through the creation of Mjsr extra, it is allocated as part of the amount to the province ofKarbala to provide services for visitors as well as allocations of Labour and Social Affairs for the rehabilitation of survivors Alaesideat from Afar and Nineveh plain, as well as allocations of $ 4 billion dinars for reconstruction and Housing to complete theroad ( Diwaniya duodenum of the monastery). " 

    He explained punitive, that " has been providing eight billion dinars higher education and scientific research for the development and establishment of group medical laboratories in addition to the Kirkuk province , for the rehabilitation of infrastructure damaged by the terrorist act that hit , " noting that " the percentages were fairly between the provinces and take advantage of the rate of 0.8%, which was worth 371 billion dinars. " 

    The House of Representatives voted in its session held, on Wednesday (December 7, 2016) on the federal budget for 2017, which included a deduction of 3.8% of employees ' salaries.[/size]

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