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    Deputy Law: Al-Maliki is ready for questioning provided that constitutional mechanisms

    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1871
    Join date : 2012-12-21
    Location : Gulf Coast

    Deputy Law: Al-Maliki is ready for questioning provided that constitutional mechanisms  Empty Deputy Law: Al-Maliki is ready for questioning provided that constitutional mechanisms

    Post by Bama Diva Thu 17 Jan 2013, 6:52 am

    Deputy Law: Al-Maliki is ready for questioning provided
    that constitutional mechanisms for requesting examination

    Thursday, 17 January 2013 09: 38

    Baghdad: Euphrates news} the Attorney for the State of law Coalition Bahaa al-Din that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki prepared for any question in the House of representatives.

    He said Jamal Aldin told {Euphrates news} on Thursday that "If there are all constitutional and legal mechanisms in the application of interrogation, Al-Maliki is ready to come to the House for questioning," he said, adding that "it is not reasonable to hold the Prime Minister on the accountability and justice law, every person has the authority and powers."

    "Al-Maliki attended the previous interrogation made by some deputies revealed many missing from House of corruption cases, and that many who applied attended the interrogation.

    And Deputy of the Iraqi list revealedSalem guide {Euphrates news} The Presidency of the House of representatives agreed to a request by the head of Salman Al-jumaili to question Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. over

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    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1871
    Join date : 2012-12-21
    Location : Gulf Coast

    Deputy Law: Al-Maliki is ready for questioning provided that constitutional mechanisms  Empty Denied legal committee parliamentary any request to question the prime minister

    Post by Bama Diva Sun 20 Jan 2013, 7:39 am

    (this article is kind of hard to read or it was to me, but I think we get the picture. :-)

    20/01/2013 08:30

    Denied legal committee parliamentary and Rhode any request to question the prime minister, stressing that questioning request must meet the necessary conditions, otherwise it will be introducing the veto by the Federal Court.

    A member of the Legal Committee Mahmoud Hassan: »he did not يردنا request to question the prime minister, but according to what We learned from a source that there is asked to question submitted to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives in this regard », referring to« not knowing consent presidency upon or postponed ». said Hassan in a statement »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network», that «the subject of interrogation should be subject to conditions certain formal and substantive according to the Constitution », adding that« if these conditions are making such a request and approved by the Presidency ».

    and continued: «If not available these conditions and the Presidency more or less agreed to the demand, the decision issued by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives will be subject to appeal by the Federal Supreme Court because they are determined by the availability of the conditions required by law », indicating that« interrogation is face to whom the interrogation offenses attributed to him of specific offenses and time with directory any must provide official letters supports this person has committed a violation ».

    Article 61 of the Constitution:

    Seventh «c to a member of the House of Representatives, and with the consent of twenty-five members, directing questioning to the Prime Minister or Minister, to hold them accountable for the affairs under their specialty, not under discussion in the interrogation, but after seven days in at least submission.

    Eighth: A Council of Representatives may withdraw confidence from a minister by absolute majority, is resigning from the date of the decision to withdraw confidence and may not be raising the issue of confidence in a Minister, but based on his or request signed by fifty members after an interpellation addressed to him, The Board shall issue its decision in the request except after at least seven days from the date of submission ».

    Meanwhile, said a member of the legal committee for the mass change cute Mustafa said «subject of a request to question the prime minister back to the MP concerned who collect signatures and to the President of the Parliament and has no relationship MPs or Legal Committee ». between cute in a statement »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network», that «Under the constitution deputy may combine signatures of 25 deputies on any particular file requests which question the Prime Minister or any Minister and raises this request to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives , as the head of Parliament exclusively audited over the conditions required for this application according to Article 57, 58 and 59 of the rules of procedure, if he fulfills the conditions shall notify the person concerned applied interrogation ». tu

    turn, ruled by a coalition of state law, MP Ali Keywords, attended by Prime Minister for questioning in House of Representatives. said Keywords in a press statement: «asked to question Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki« political »and not« professionally »purpose targeting people Maliki». added that «Maliki will not attend the interrogation as long as does not depend on professional», pointing out that most of the blocks rejects this political interrogation. pointed out that mass would reject interrogation by the Federal Court, which will not give legitimacy to this interrogation.

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      Current date/time is Fri 17 Jan 2025, 6:51 pm