BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq , praised the Iraqi Islamic Party, said Monday the efforts of various parties, particularly the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the government to restore the Alberlman.ookd the party said in a statement today: " The convening of the House ofRepresentatives again, and completeness of the quorum, an important achievement, step impressive, to remedy and address what happened during the last weeks of overtaking on the state institutions, and wounding her paralyzed . "and, that" speed up the completion of the outstanding issues, andthe laws and legislation, and cooperation for the implementation of the comprehensive reform of allthe details of the project, and the duty and responsibility of not less the importance of fighting onthe battlefields against terrorism, "adding that" political achievement Nasr Iraqis needed today, and increases the momentum of military victory . "He called the party of all parties and political blocs to" proceed with the project to save Iraq, and to work together to alleviate the suffering of our people, and to respond to their legitimate demands, and cut the road in front of the"demonstrators" who do not want our country but bad, and to support our fighters even defeat terrorism completely, freeing the provinces, and re - esteemed displaced. "