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    U.S. says Kurds should be included in Syrian peace talks

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    U.S. says Kurds should be included in Syrian peace talks Empty U.S. says Kurds should be included in Syrian peace talks

    Post by Rocky Wed 11 Jan 2017, 6:11 am

    U.S. says Kurds should be included in Syrian peace talks
    Posted on January 11, 2017 by Editorial Staff in 1 Top NewsKurdistan
    U.S. says Kurds should be included in Syrian peace talks US-State-Department-spokesman-Mark-Toner-photo-screenshot
    U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner. photo: Screen grab/U.S. State Department video

    WASHINGTON,— The Syrian Kurds should be party to any Syrian peace talks, the U.S. said Tuesday.
    “This process has to include all Syrians, and that includes the Syrian Kurds,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters.
    Asked explicitly if the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party PYD should be at the table, Toner replied, “At some point they have to be part of this process.”

    Syrian Kurds have not been invited to the talks on the political future of Syria due to take place in Kazakhstan later in January, PYD representative in France said Tuesday.
    Turkey views the PYD and YPG, as a terrorist organization because of their alleged links to Turkey’s Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, a charge that the PYD denies. Turkey fears the creation of an autonomous Kurdish region in Syrian Kurdistan — similar to the Kurdish region in Iraqi Kurdistan — would spur the separatist ambitions of Turkey’s own Kurds.
    But Washington regards the Kurdish YPG of Syrian Kurdistan as key ally against Islamic State and the most effective fighting force against IS in Syria and has provided them with arms, air support as well as the military advisers. The Kurdish militia has seized swathes of Syria from IS.
    Toner said that the U.S. is “mindful of Turkey’s concerns about this group.”
    Still, he insisted that the PYD’s inclusion is vital to the long-sought political resolution to Syria’s nearly six-year conflict.
    “Their voice will need to be heard in any kind of long term solution to the situation in Syria. And it’s in that spirit that we say that if there’s going to be a political process that leads to a political transition, a more Democratic one, it’s going to have to be accepted by all of the Syrian people,” he said.
    Negotiations to reach a political resolution to the Syrian war are due to begin in the Kazakh capital Astana on Jan. 23.
    In 2013, Syrian Kurds have established three autonomous zones, or Cantons of Jazeera, Kobani and Afrin and a Kurdish government across Syrian Kurdistan (northern Syria) in 2013. On March 17, 2016 Syria’s Kurds declared a federal region in Syrian Kurdistan.
    Syrian Kurds on Dec. 30, 2016 have approved a blueprint for a system of federal government in Syrian Kurdistan, reaffirming their plans for autonomy in areas they have controlled during the civil war.

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