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    $ 21.3 billion surplus of China's trade with the United States

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    $ 21.3 billion surplus of China's trade with the United States Empty $ 21.3 billion surplus of China's trade with the United States

    Post by Rocky Fri 10 Feb 2017, 3:38 pm

    $ 21.3 billion surplus of China's trade with the United States

    2017/02/10 | 15:20

    (Encyclopedia of the Day News | Iraq News ) - directly said Chinese customs, it has achieved a trade surplus valued at 21.37 billion dollars with the United States during January, compared to about 21.73 billion dollars last December.

    She Customs said in a statement on Friday that China's foreign trade volume reached 2.18 trillion yuan (about 482 billion dollars) in January, up 19.6% on an annual basis

    The decline in China's trade surplus with the United States to 250.79 billion dollars in 2016 from 260.91 billion dollars in 2015.

    And it is the largest Chinese trade in the world, but it went further pressure over the coming period, if the oldest US president-elect Donald Trump on the implementation of its commitments on China and impose significant fees on imports of Chinese products.

    The data showed China's exports denominated in yuan by 15.9% on an annual basis during January, while imports grew by 25.2%.

    She explained the data, a monthly trade surplus valued at 354.53 billion yuan, down 2.7% percent from the previous year.

    It was China's exports valued at 13.84 trillion dollars in 2016, compared to about 10.49 trillion dollars and imports.

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 3:38 pm