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    KABUL: Um US bombs killed 36 militants Daesh

    Admin Assist
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    KABUL: Um US bombs killed 36 militants Daesh Empty KABUL: Um US bombs killed 36 militants Daesh

    Post by Rocky Fri 14 Apr 2017, 3:58 am

    KABUL: Um US bombs killed 36 militants Daesh

    Friday April 14, 2017 11:42

    News / Baghdad
    announced that the Ministry of Defense of Afghanistan, on Friday, the largest non - nuclear bomb dropped by the United States in Afghanistan have killed 36 militants , at least from the organization "Daesh" targeting deep tunnel network and the jihadists, excluded civilian casualties in the shelling.

    The ministry said in a statement: " As a result of the bombing, destroyed caches deep and complex, complex and tunnel, and killed 36 fighters from al Daesh."

    It was not possible to verify these statements independently but a spokesman for the ministry said that the massive explosion , which occurred on Thursday targeted a network of caves and tunnels did not result in the fall of civilian casualties.
    The US army is the largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan
    Pentagon tells a secret video reveals details of the fact that "the massacre of Mosul"

    The spokesman said in a statement , "did not hurt any civilians and did not cause destruction only to al - Qaeda , which was used Daesh to launch attacks in other parts of the region."

    The US Department of Defense (Pentagon) has announced that the US military bombed the largest non - nuclear bomb Thursday network tunnels belonging to the organization "Daesh" in Afghanistan.

    It launched a strike by a bomb GBU -43 , which represents about a ten thousand tons of TNT, targeted at around 14.30 GMT "tunnel network" in the state of Nangarhar (eastern Afghanistan), where he was an American soldier was killed in operation against jihadists during the end of last week.
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    KABUL: Um US bombs killed 36 militants Daesh Empty Re: KABUL: Um US bombs killed 36 militants Daesh

    Post by zimi31 Fri 14 Apr 2017, 7:14 am


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