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    America gives the Lebanese army a large amount of weapons

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    America gives the Lebanese army a large amount of weapons Empty America gives the Lebanese army a large amount of weapons

    Post by Rocky Fri 05 May 2017, 10:08 am

    America gives the Lebanese army a large amount of weapons

    Editorial date: • 2017/5/5

    The Lebanese army on Friday handed over to the US authorities a large quantity of medium weapons valued at more than 14 million dollars.
    US Ambassador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard said during the handover ceremony that the weapons included 800 heavy machine guns and various equipment "that allow the army to strengthen its defensive capabilities along the Lebanese border."
    Richard praised the important role of the Lebanese army "in facing the serious challenges facing Lebanon, many of which arise from the conflict in Syria."
    The handover of these weapons "is yet another example of the current US government's program to improve the capabilities of the Lebanese army to carry out its mission as a sole defender of Lebanon," she said.
    For his part, Lebanese Armed Forces representative Brigadier General Jean Farah thanked the US authorities for the donation, stressing that the weapons "will support the army in the war against terrorism and preserve the borders of Lebanon and its sovereignty and independence in light of the crisis in the Middle East."
    The United States is at the forefront of countries that support Lebanon militarily through regular annual military assistance to the Lebanese army and security forces, which have exceeded $ 1.4 billion since 2005.

      Current date/time is Sat 07 Sep 2024, 10:58 pm