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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

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3 posters

    After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology

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     After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology Empty After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 May 2017, 2:21 am

    After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology

    Arab and international Sunday 07 May 2017

    North Korea demanded the United States apologize for the assassination of leader Kim Jong-un, and to hold accountable those responsible for the planned attempt.

    According to the Central News Agency in North Korea, Pyongyang accused the United States and South Korea of ​​trying to "isolate the Republic and strangle", and described Washington as "the mastermind behind the scenes of the outrageous actions of the state against North Korea, which will not go unpunished terrorism."

    Pyongyang has threatened that the Department of Homeland Security "will wipe from the face of the earth," the US intelligence services and those that follow its southern neighbor and "will kill all enemy agents until someone else of them."

    The Ministry of National Security in North Korea announced frustration joint covert operation between the US Central Intelligence Agency "CIA" and South Korean intelligence aims to measure the scheme to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un using a chemical biological toxic.

    The White House declined to comment on Pyongyang's remarks
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     After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology Empty Re: After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology

    Post by sassy Mon 08 May 2017, 8:45 am

    Interacting Investor
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     After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology Empty Re: After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology

    Post by fonz1951 Mon 08 May 2017, 10:46 pm

    uh oh, was somebody a plannin to off the fat boy with the bad haircut

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     After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology Empty Re: After the assassination of its leader, North Korea's attempt to America demanding an apology

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