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    General amnesty law dates back to the drawers after the government failed to modify

    Admin Assist
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     General amnesty law dates back to the drawers after the government failed to modify Empty General amnesty law dates back to the drawers after the government failed to modify

    Post by Rocky Thu 25 May 2017, 1:58 am

    General amnesty law dates back to the drawers after the government failed to modify

     Baghdad / Ahmed Hamid

    Led criticism of Prime Minister acclaimed, and differing views among the various parliamentary blocs, to restore the general amnesty law to include the executive branch to modify it. It postponed the House of Representatives, during Tuesday's session, the vote on the amendment of the amnesty law. The government decided, recently, the suspension of the amnesty law procedures, demanding prison administrations wait to launch terrorism Mhmola Article 4 release, attributed this action to the latter category "pose a threat to society."

    Got (range), recently issued by the uncle of the Ministry of Justice, on 22 of last March, whereby the request of Nasiriyah prison to wait for the release of convicts covered by amnesty in accordance with Article 4 terrorism. I enclose the recommendation of the National Uncles Security Council, dated 15 January , which urges the appeal amnesty law in order to prevent the release of convicts issues of
    terrorism and kidnapping.
    The House voted, the end of last August, the general amnesty law and excluded 13 categories of crimes, including: the terrorist crime that grew by killing or permanent disability, and the crimes of human trafficking and all that falls under the title of (captivity). The law also exempted the kidnappings, which arose about the death of the kidnapped or anonymity fate, or cause permanent disability, and the crimes of rape, and crimes of smuggling of antiquities and money - laundering offenses.
    The Prime Minister expressed his strong objection to more than once on the amendments made by the House of Representatives on a draft amnesty law drafted by the government. Criticizing the inclusion of kidnappings amnesties.
    Says Rep Ashwaq dry, a member of the Commission on Human Rights, said that "several things hinder the adoption of amendments to the general amnesty law, including a discrepancy in visions between the members of the Legal Committee themselves, and the parliamentary blocs again, and between the parliament and the government 's third, which makes the adoption of the law impossible , according this case".
    She dry, in a statement (term) yesterday, said that " the essence of the main dispute over the amnesty dates back to the issue of kidnappings," noting that "the Commission on Human Rights asked not to include the perpetrators of those crimes by law, but some saw the possibility of settling things between the people of the kidnappers the kidnapped financially and can therefore be included in the exemption for them in the law. "
    Among the objections to the amendment to the government amnesty law school certificates forgers inclusion in those who are in the position of Director and above. According to a member of the Legal Committee that " the amendment will include forgers certificates from the degree of general manager and above, after he was of the same rank below, provided that the released pays an amount of fifty thousand dinars for each day it is doomed."
    Criticized a member of the Commission on Human Rights Parliamentary recent amendment ", usually it as" detailed on certain personalities with a view to bringing them amnesty. "
    Seek to settle various disputes over the draft amnesty law, pushing the government of al - Abadi to the meeting request legal committee within the House of Representatives. Stresses dry that" the President of the the Council of Ministers requested a bilateral meeting between the government and the parliament in order to reach a conclusion and a formula can be adopted in the post in the parliament. "
    He called House Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, on may 14 th, the adoption of the principle of " let bygones be bygones ", to open a new page for the post - Daesh, stressing that the most important of these requirements Stage "enforcement of the amnesty law."
    Jubouri the need for legislation laws that guarantee the rights of what he described as "victims of justice," he said , "the time has come to believe in the principle of let bygones be bygones and open a new page to post Daesh that Nrom where stability and coexistence away from personal bickering.

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