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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Discuss the development of local industry and the investment of human resources

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277418
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Discuss the development of local industry and the investment of human resources Empty Discuss the development of local industry and the investment of human resources

    Post by Rocky Wed 31 May 2017, 8:46 am

    Discuss the development of local industry and the investment of human resources


    5/30/2017 0:00

    In a seminar for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Iraqi-Turkish
    BAGHDAD / morning
    Specialized Symposium discussed ways to develop the industrial reality in Iraq and restore confidence in local production and benefit from the existing human resources with financial support by the Industrial Bank small or medium loans.  
    The seminar organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry , the Iraqi - Turkish initiated the word chairman Firas al - Hamdani said: This activity shed  
    light on the industrial reality in Iraq was discussed and deliberation  
    on how to develop local industry and the investment of human resources; pointing  
    out that the room is keen to  
    make efforts to promote the industrial reality.
    He noted that there are many  
    ways in which it is possible through  the
    development of the industrial sector . For example , the Industrial Bank can adopt factories and enter  the
    Iraqi trader in capital in these factories and this way it is possible to eliminate the recession, expressing  
    the readiness of the room to cooperate with the Industrial Development Bank of the Iraqi industry. Recession Industry President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce  Jaafar al - Hamdani noted  a problem with the mood in  Iraq , where the resort merchant to import leads to the stagnation of the industry  domestic as well as the other problem  is that the land available agricultural and not industrial we require cooperation  with the Industrial Bank to provide industrial land for the establishment  of an industrial city and the management of the Federation  of Chambers of Commerce with the participation of the Turkish joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Iraq. Production wheel , Director General of the Industrial Bank  of Bilal al - Hamdani said: The problem  is not a financial problem, but the problem  in the entry in the industry as the investor prefers to engage in a lucrative field, pointing out that  the industrial role must be done  by rotating the wheel of production  quality , which attracts  the beneficiary. It was agreed to form a committee  to provide an integrated study on the industrial cities of this study and submit to the Iraqi Chambers of Commerce Union official letter from the Chamber and the Union , in turn , are necessary to address the Industrial Bank for the establishment of the industrial city to conduct. Buy a factory representative of the Syndicate of Engineers  Iraqi Firas Husseini confirmed  claim the union in many  occasions to activate the industry  by Iraqi engineers and the union can buy  factories and operating engineers  where as there are a lot  of energies that have not invested  the right image and you need to support. Industrial areas , in turn , expressed the President of the Chamber  of Iraqi Trade Indian Mohammad  Abdul - Sattar al - Baghdadi , about  the possibility of activating the areas  stalled , such as industrial  NAHRAWAN complex , which was established  in the eighties and this is better than starting from scratch and create a new complex.

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