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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Work to recover 20 billion dinars from the premiums of loan amounts

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Work to recover 20 billion dinars from the premiums of loan amounts Empty Work to recover 20 billion dinars from the premiums of loan amounts

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Jul 2017, 3:12 am

    Work to recover 20 billion dinars from the premiums of loan amounts

    7/19/2017 0:00

    Since the beginning of this year
    BAGHDAD / Batool al-Hassani
    It revealed the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to recover 95 percent of the amount of loans to support small projects of premiums recovered during the first half of this year.
    He said the media ministry spokesman Ammar Menem »Sabah»: The recovery of the amounts within the Small Enterprise Fund loans accounted for since the beginning of this year until the end of last June , nearly 95 percent , which is very high, indicating that the ratio achieved thanks to the directives of the Minister of Labor Mohammad Xiaa Sudanese need to pursue recovery of the amounts of loans granted and hard work and active workers in employment and loan department.
    He noted that the total refund amount for the period above reached 20 billion dinars, explaining that the number of applicants for small projects fund loans amounted to 120 thousand since the year 2013 until 2015 , at a rate of 53 000 beneficiaries in each batch of loans from those whose names appeared in the meals from 1 21.
    He added that the recovery of Menem loan amounts for the 2016 rate of 79 percent, indicating that the difference made in the recovery of those big money ratios during the two periods mentioned.
    He explained that the ministry had called for more than 70 thousand advanced for the Fund 's loan to correct their data for a month and ended before the Eid al - Fitr, noting the need not to confuse the applicant to give him a loan , and among those who have registered as a researcher working and received a consultative paper does not represent any commitment by the ministry to grant the loan.

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