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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Work to recover more than 5 billion dinars from the squatters on the benefits of protection during

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Work to recover more than 5 billion dinars from the squatters on the benefits of protection during  Empty Work to recover more than 5 billion dinars from the squatters on the benefits of protection during

    Post by Rocky Sat 17 Jun 2017, 3:38 am

    Work to recover more than 5 billion dinars from the squatters on the benefits of protection during 2017


    Recover Social Protection Authority at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs more than 5 billion dinars from the squatters on the benefits of social protection categories of men and women in Baghdad and the provinces for a period of up to 1/1 from 30/4 in 2017.
    She said Director General of the Social Protection Fund in the Ministry Jacqueline Salioa in a statement obtained by "direction Press" a copy of it, "the disclosure of squatters operations came through data check and the intersection of information carried out by the department, which contributed about great knowledge of the amounts that went to bypassing unlawfully and replay to the ministry to distribute again between the actual beneficiaries in accordance with the new Law on social protection No. 11 of 2014 as a target families that are below the poverty line. "
    It showed that "stop the subsidies came for several reasons, including a repeat imprint of the beneficiary in the event received two salaries from the state, or change the social situation for him, or because of the appointment in one of the state institutions, or death, calling from Aanathm stopped to review social protection departments and divisions to complete a transaction clearance for the purpose of recovery of money Bzmthm, pointing out that the recovery of the money being through the mechanism currently in force in accordance with the articles (18) and (19) of the above law, which stipulate that the disbursement of subsidies and have recovered them through the social protection fund. "
    Salioa added that the refund process begins after submitting references request to terminate his salary in the Department of Citizens Affairs is done on the priorities of the beneficiary to the Department calculator to freeze his registration on the review after the completion of a transaction clearance, confirming that 10% of the abusers are affluent, and 90% of them are employees and retirees , indicating that in the event of a pension for the citizen will be provided with the retirement body book to find out the date of allocation of the pension and inform them on suspended salary subsidy, and in the case of appointment will be to address the concerned authority to find out the date of commencement.
    The "Social Protection Act No. 11 of 2014 Select a subsidy of social protection for those living below the poverty line."

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