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    Headed by Abadi .. Cabinet approves the formation of the National Initiative for Housing

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    Headed by Abadi .. Cabinet approves the formation of the National Initiative for Housing Empty Headed by Abadi .. Cabinet approves the formation of the National Initiative for Housing

    Post by Rocky Mon 14 Aug 2017, 3:10 am

    Headed by Abadi .. Cabinet approves the formation of the National Initiative for Housing

    Political Since 2017-08-13 at 20:27 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad - Mawazine News
    A spokesman for Prime Minister Saad al-Hadithi's office announced on Sunday the approval of the cabinet to form the national housing initiative committee headed by its chairman Haider al-Abadi, pointing out the recommendations of the National Product Promotion Committee formed by Council Resolution 405 of 2015.
    "In the framework of government efforts to support the housing sector, the Cabinet approved the formation of the National Housing Initiative Committee headed by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and the membership of the Minister of Construction and Housing and the Secretary-General of the Council," Al-Hadithi said in a statement received by Mawazine News. The Secretary of Baghdad, the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance, and the head of the Secretariat of the Higher Coordinating Committee of the provinces.
    He added that "this committee supports the Department of Housing in the implementation of its tasks as follows:
    1- Implement public housing projects included in the annual housing plans by public companies of the ministry and private and mixed companies.
    2. Ensure adequate housing for citizens through the development and implementation of housing policy.
    3. The Housing Department shall allocate land belonging to the State required for housing projects and shall occupy any land belonging to the State free of charge in coordination with the owner, as well as the acquisition of the real estate needed to achieve its objectives. 4. The National Housing Initiative Committee shall consider cases in which allocation decisions have been issued and procedures have not been completed. "
    He continued, "The Cabinet also approved the recommendations of the National Housing Council, which are the following:
    1- The distribution of unplanned residential plots covered by the instructions of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the Municipality of Baghdad shall be 50% of the real value, provided that the value of the infrastructure for the plot of residential land serviced by infrastructure shall be added and evaluated by the estimation committee formed under the Sale and Rent of State Property Law With the legislative order that required the Ministry of Anfa and the Municipality of Baghdad to distribute plots of residential land within the boundaries of cities and towns on the citizens.
    2- The sale of residential plots divided by the infrastructure (water, sewage networks, electricity, roads) belonging to the municipalities and the Municipality of Baghdad with a real allowance, including the value of the infrastructure within the project determined by the assessment committee formed in accordance with the provisions of the Sale and Rent of State Property Law.
    3- The trade-off between the persons covered shall be in accordance with the selection criteria prepared by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the Municipality of Baghdad in accordance with the regulations prepared by the said Ministry and approved by the Prime Minister.
    4 - Acceptance of the guarantee of the plot of land 25 / permanent for the purposes of credit from the Land Bank and Housing Fund.
    5 - Encouraging ministries and entities not affiliated with the Ministry to allocate plots of land for the purpose of building residential complexes through investment.
    6. Preserving the decisions of the Council of Ministers numbered 53 and 168 of 2014 concerning the granting of a piece of residential land to members of the army, the internal security forces and the combatant civilians who appear to be very courageous or have a distinct role during the military operations.
    7. Affirmation of the implementation of the decision of the Council of Ministers to sell the role and apartments to the legal occupier, provided that these countries or apartments are not operational - that is, serving the governmental facility for the purposes of the concerned department - and subject to the consent of the owner.
    8 - Confirmation of the House of Representatives to repeal the legislative orders 21 and 36 of 2005 on the distribution of residential plots of the three presidencies.
    9. The Ministry of Finance to transfer its share of the orchards to the right holders
    10- Cancellation of the decisions of the Council of Ministers No. 39 of 2009, including the allocation of plots of land to members of the permanent government, and 54 of 2009, including the allocation of plots of land for owners of special grades and directors-general, and 540 for the year 2013 regarding the sale of plots of land to the imams of mosques in the Shiite Waqfin Sunni and priests of places of worship in the Office of Endowments of Christian religions, Yezidi and Sabean Mandaean.
    11. To maintain the distribution of plots of land allocated to the segments covered by legislation in force in accordance with legally prescribed conditions.
    12. The distribution of plots of land by birth or place of employment shall be for a period not less than five years.
    13. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and the Secretariat of Baghdad to complete the technical, legal and financial procedures for the implementation of the above.
    14- The relevant parties shall hold workshops within two weeks from the date of issue of this resolution to the executive managers to announce the currently distributed land for distribution, provided that the land available to them shall be announced every six months.
    He pointed out that "the confirmation of the commitment of the government to revive the industrial sector and the rehabilitation of Iraqi industry and support the local product has already the Council of Ministers has issued a decision by the Ministries of State and non-associated with the Ministry and all provinces to secure their needs of the products of companies of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and public companies of other ministries, Ministries and entities not associated with the Ministry and all governorates in a direct contract with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and public companies of other ministries to promote the national product, and in this regard has included the Federal Budget Law for the three years The Minister added that the federal and provincial ministries are committed to purchase their products from the ministries of the federal ministries, provided that the added value of the collected and manufactured products is not less than 25% of the import cost of the added value. The prices of local products should not be higher than their imported counterparts by more than 10% Quality and quality specifications ".
    He continued, "In continuation of this effort to protect the Iraqi industry, the Council of Ministers approved the recommendations of the Committee to promote the national product formed by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 405 of 2015 as follows:
    1- Set a specific relative weight when re-calculating the value added of the product address the issue of price problems of imported goods competing in the domestic market resulting from the dumping cases experienced by the Iraqi market currently.
    2. The above-mentioned Commission shall take the subject of the national product of the private sector covered by the Law on the Protection of Iraqi Products, in a manner that encourages the private sector through the purchase of its products by the State.
    3 - The same committee to introduce a new reading of value added for inclusion in the draft federal budget law next fiscal year 2018.
    He pointed out that "in the same context related to stimulate the Iraqi industry, the Council of Ministers approved the Ministry of Commerce to contract with a specialized company to build a plant to produce edible oil and distribute them within the ration card items exclusively and under the supervision of the government in order to reduce unemployment and support production and the national economy with the provision of revenue To the Ministry of Commerce provided that the Ministry does not bear any financial costs other than the preparation of the land and the establishment of the project of the plant on a piece of land in Khor Al-Zubayr owned by the General Company for food trade. "

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