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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Education and scientific research are the basis of development

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Education and scientific research are the basis of development Empty Education and scientific research are the basis of development

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Aug 2017, 3:43 am

    Education and scientific research are the basis of development

    28/8/2017 12:00 am

    Adnan Kanani
    Human is the goal of development and its tools, and this syndrome simply means that education and training are the ones that provide national cadres capable of bringing about comprehensive sustainable development, which yield the abundance and prosperity enjoyed by all.
    In order to achieve general and higher education, its goals and objectives must be based on a scientific vision of reality that sets out its immediate and future needs and requirements, and on the basis of which study programs are constantly reviewed, reviewed and revised to respond to the rapid developments in science and technology and to achieve the best quality in the outputs of education. In force.
    In parallel with general and higher education, it is necessary to pay attention to scientific research that is able to monitor phenomena and identify issues and problems accurately, to find solutions to the problems of reality and to rationalize the paths of development plans and programs in order to achieve their objectives, including the provision of a national base of qualified researchers in various aspects of scientific research Theoretical and applied, capable of providing national scientific solutions to the problems of local reality, and to carry out researches of practical value in terms of the optimal use of local resources, resources and materials, and the accumulation of knowledge on all economic and social issues serves serious generations Of young researchers, and provides them with a basis for their future research, on the one hand.
    On the other hand, it is important to keep pace with the development of public and higher education, the actual needs of the labor market from the cadres specialized in the fields of work needed by the private sector and even the public sector, which is occupied or almost monopoly by expatriate labor, due to the scarcity of specialists, The negative of some employers by preference for expatriate labor for reasons related mostly to profit, which can be attributed to the rise in the number of job seekers of educational outputs, offset by a rise in the number of foreign labor.
    The serious move towards managing the development wheel in the country with the hands, competencies and national forces has become a pressing and urgent need, in light of the economic repercussions, which calls for triggering serious research and serious attention to reality and challenges, and benefiting from past and present negative and positive experiences.
    The discussion of enhancing the role of education in supporting the knowledge-based economy, studying the empowerment of researchers in academic and research institutions and linking them to industrial and commercial institutions is an additional lever for the existing efforts exerted by the concerned bodies and their issues to improve the general and higher education system and programs, , Because it is the basis for the construction of armed man with modern science and self-reliance, and to keep pace with the requirements of contemporary reality with all its challenges and overlaps.
    There is no doubt that the development of the education system achieves a number of benefits, including the improvement of the outputs of this education, and maximizing the use of the infrastructure of scientific research, both in terms of qualified research staff, or equipment and laboratories used in some types of research, Especially in theoretical research, and the development of national technologies more responsive to the requirements of local reality. Therefore, the success in the process of enabling researchers and linking them to industrial and commercial institutions and their care and follow-up as appropriate should lay a foundation in building scientific research and meeting the needs of the labor market.

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