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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    For this reason, the decision of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee is highly critical

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    For this reason, the decision of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee is highly critical Empty For this reason, the decision of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee is highly critical

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Nov 2017, 3:44 am

    For this reason, the decision of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee is highly critical of Abadi
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    Baghdad Post

    Iraq news
    The head of the Committee on Security and Defense of the parliament, MP Abdul Aziz Hassan, on Wednesday, harsh criticism of the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi, through an official letter sent to him on Saturday because of not mentioning the Peshmerga forces like the rest of the troops mentioned during his meeting with the British Prime Minister. 

    "During his joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Abadi praised the Iraqi forces, the federal police, the popular crowd and the tribal crowd, and reminded them all, but he did not mention the Peshmerga forces," Hassan said in a press statement. And other forces).

    "The failure to mention the Peshmerga forces and call them other forces is a big mistake by the Iraqi prime minister. The role of the Peshmerga can not be sidelined in any way, at a time when more than 2 million martyrs, Nearly 10,000 injured and wounded in the war against elements of the organization and advocated, and have played a key role in defeating this organization, as well as the support they gave to the Iraqi forces, especially in the operations of the liberation of Mosul. 

    "I will send an official letter to Abadi on Saturday, criticizing him for this position, and I will emphasize that the role played by the Peshmerga forces during his speeches and future talks should not be marginalized," he said. 

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