Baghdad - 
The Commercial Bank of Iraq (TBI) announced on Monday that it had received facilities from the German Export Support Corporation (BST). 

The Director General of the Iraqi Trade Bank TBI Faisal Al-Hims said in a statement received by Alsumaria News that "the bank was able to obtain credit facilities from Euler Hermez Foundation supporting German exports," noting that "these facilities will be able to public and private sector institutions to buy materials manufactured In the Federal Republic of Germany with the guarantees of the German Export Support Corporation. "

"The Bank is keen to provide all that supports Iraq's foreign trade to the public and private sectors, and to provide services in a distinctive way," Heim said. "The bank's credibility, credibility and transparency are always positive and qualitative." 

The Iraqi Trade Bank is considered an Iraqi government bank. It was established in July 2003 with a capital of 100 million dollars. The capital was raised from cumulative profits in 2008 to half a trillion dinars and in the intention to raise the capital to one trillion Iraqi dinars.