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    US intelligence warns of leakage of Korea's nuclear and missile programs to other countries

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    US intelligence warns of leakage of Korea's nuclear and missile programs to other countries Empty US intelligence warns of leakage of Korea's nuclear and missile programs to other countries

    Post by Rocky Thu 25 Jan 2018, 3:52 am

    US intelligence warns of leakage of Korea's nuclear and missile programs to other countries
    US intelligence warns of leakage of Korea's nuclear and missile programs to other countries Irq_359114837_1516775471
    The director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, considered North Korea's missile program to be aimed not only at self-defense, but also warned of the dangers of the leak of its nuclear and missile programs to other countries.
    "The next logical step by Pyongyang is to develop an arsenal of weapons and the ability to fire multiple missiles," Pompeo said.
    In a speech at the American Enterprise Institute, Pompeo stressed that one of the main risks for North Korea to develop its nuclear and missile programs is to leak it to other countries.
    Pompeo pointed out that US President Donald Trump is focused on a diplomatic solution to the crisis, but the CIA is providing him with another set of options. Finished

      Current date/time is Fri 17 Jan 2025, 6:31 pm