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    Renewed the call for the adoption of the budget of zero

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Renewed the call for the adoption of the budget of zero Empty Renewed the call for the adoption of the budget of zero

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Feb 2014, 6:04 am

    Renewed the call for the adoption of the budget of zero


    BAGHDAD / JD / .. criticized the Finance Committee's budget items in place since 2003, and so far, which depends on operational spending and investment, while calling for the adoption of the budget of zero.

    Said committee member Najiba Najib told the reporter / JD / that the budget in place for the time being old and "old-fashioned eating and drinking," indicating that he has to be organized and prepared according to the method according to the other as if the programs or zero.

    And followed by any other method that will lead to speed up the completion of the budget and end the confusion that gets annually because of them between the political blocs, leading to delayed.

    The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives has demanded a year ago that the budgets of the coming years, "zero" instead of being budget items.

    Said committee member Magda al-Tamimi, in an earlier statement / JD / 2013 budget that were not zero, as has been agreed upon since last year, noting that it is still budget items.

    She described the budget items that she is "old and classic", stressing the country's need to balance the programs and goals for the allocation of funds as much as the software itself, pointing out that this kind of operating budgets by developed countries.

    The budget of zero philosophy integrated characterized for budget traditional in that they are based on the thought of a scientific logical Advanced helps to provide the best conditions for creative innovation and get rid of red tape and through the practice of assessment and ongoing review of the strategic decisions of Government and adapt to the unstable conditions and adverse

    In general, the budget of zero to explain the planning process and operating budget preparation and in detail so as to receive the responsibility of each official mission to justify the allocation of resources required for its programs so that shows why intends to spend any money. He is not only demanding to justify the increase from the previous year, but it demands to justify any action or activity is planned to be done from scratch, assuming that adopted in the previous budget was zero. / End / / 23

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