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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    MP demands Abdul Mahdi to stop referring four contracts at the Ministry of Electricity to "corrupt"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    MP demands Abdul Mahdi to stop referring four contracts at the Ministry of Electricity to "corrupt"  Empty MP demands Abdul Mahdi to stop referring four contracts at the Ministry of Electricity to "corrupt"

    Post by Rocky Sat 07 Sep 2019, 2:47 am

    [size=35][size=35]MP demands Abdul Mahdi to stop referring four contracts at the Ministry of Electricity to "corrupt" companies[/size]
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    2019-09-07 | 03:12
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    [size=18]MP Alia Nassif on Saturday called on Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to stop referring four contracts in the Ministry of Electricity to corrupt companies for $ 3 billion, indicating that the corrupt are present in the ministry and they have nothing after receiving the commissions.

    "The Ministry of Electricity today is in a race against time to conclude four contracts for the development of the largest thermal stations," Nassif said in a statement received by Alsumaria News. To correspondence with a 10 percent commission in Dubai. "

    Nassif added that "the value of these assignments 3 billion dollars in the form of loans will be added to the current debt of the country within the production sector, which is supposed to have satisfied the existence of large investments binding will be paid billions," and asked the Prime Minister to "issue a directive to stop this confusion to the Ministry of Electricity and pay attention To develop the energy transmission and distribution sectors and not to waste billions on brokerage and commission contracts. "
    "The corrupt people are currently in the ministry. They don't care anything after they receive the commissions, a government goes, a second government and another minister comes with a new footnote to continue the series of waste of public money and the commissions."

    MP Alia Nassif criticized earlier, Minister of Electricity Louay al-Khatib, speaking to the media about what she described as "fictitious achievements", hinting to say "your achievements do not exceed zero," while stressing that the amounts paid annually to the electricity sector is enough to establish a plant producing 1,000 megawatts.

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