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    Al-Saadawi and the Tunisian Foreign Minister discuss activating the Baghdad-Tunisia line

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Al-Saadawi and the Tunisian Foreign Minister discuss activating the Baghdad-Tunisia line Empty Al-Saadawi and the Tunisian Foreign Minister discuss activating the Baghdad-Tunisia line

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 May 2024, 4:29 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Al-Saadawi and the Tunisian Foreign Minister discuss activating the Baghdad-Tunisia line[/size]

    [size=45]The Minister of Transport, Razzaq Muhaibes Al-Saadawi, discussed with the Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Nabil Ammar, the activation of the Baghdad-Tunisia line.[/size]
    [size=45]The ministry’s media office said in a statement: “Al-Saadawi met with the Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Nabil Ammar, and his accompanying delegation. The meeting was attended by the Minister, Director General of the General Authority for Meteorology and Seismic Monitoring, Salman Al-Bahadli, and a number of officials from the ministry’s formations. “To discuss joint cooperation and exchange of experiences in the transportation sector between the two brotherly countries.”[/size]
    [size=45]The statement added, “The meeting held at the Hospitality Palace in Baghdad discussed the importance of activating the Baghdad-Tunisia line, by preparing an economic feasibility study to ensure the success of this line and achieve high filling rates, in addition to the necessity of exchanging experiences between the two brotherly countries regarding the transport sector in general.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Saadawi continued - according to the statement - “We discussed with the Tunisian Foreign Minister ways of joint cooperation in all areas of the transport sector, whether (sea, air, rail and port), and we also discussed the strategic development road project and its economic importance to the region and the world.”[/size]
    [size=45]The statement continued, “The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration of the Republic of Tunisia confirmed that there is great interest in activating the (Baghdad-Tunisia) line,” indicating that “there will be a number of facilities with the Iraqi side, most notably the speed in granting entry visas to Iraqis,” expressing his country’s desire for cooperation. With Iraq in all fields and exchanging experiences, especially in the field of transportation,” he pointed out, “The coming period of Tunisian-Iraqi relations will achieve a qualitative leap in the field of transportation through joint cooperation between the two countries.”[/size]
    [size=45]The statement continued, “The meeting witnessed the presentation of many issues that contribute to developing a vision, which focused on agreeing to form technical committees to discuss future agreements or memorandums of understanding that include a mechanism for coordination and cooperation between the two countries in order to develop the transportation sector in general.”[/size]
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      Current date/time is Thu 06 Jun 2024, 4:15 pm