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    Underwent a heart operation ... US official: North Korean leader's health "in grave danger"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Underwent a heart operation ... US official: North Korean leader's health "in grave danger" Empty Underwent a heart operation ... US official: North Korean leader's health "in grave danger"

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Apr 2020, 2:08 am

    [size=39]Underwent a heart operation ... US official: North Korean leader's health "in grave danger"
    April 21, 2020

    Underwent a heart operation ... US official: North Korean leader's health "in grave danger" 2020-04-11T215309Z_1972515764_RC2L2G9CHW9P_RTRMADP_3_NORTHKOREA-POLITICS
    North Korean leader undergoes heart surgery
    A US official revealed that intelligence obtained by the United States stated that the health of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was "in serious condition", after undergoing a cardiovascular operation early this month.
    South Korea's "Daily NK" newspaper, which is run by North Korean defectors, quoted sources inside North Korea that Kim is recovering in a villa in Mount Kumgang Resort District in Huangsan on the east coast after the operation took place on April 12 in a hospital in this region.
    North Korea celebrated the anniversary of Kim's father and grandfather's birthday, on April 15, but Kim was not present.
    The newspaper report said Kim's health had deteriorated in recent months due to excessive smoking, obesity and fatigue.
    One of the sources confirmed to the newspaper that Kim had been suffering from cardiovascular problems since last August, but his health conditions deteriorated after his repeated visits to the holy mountain "Baektu".
    The report indicated that Kim had left the hospital after he chaired the meeting of the ruling Labor Party political office on April 11, when he was last seen publicly.
    It is reported that during the past days, Pyongyang launched several short-range missiles last week, Seoul officials said it is part of the celebration of the founder's birthday, and Kim usually watches such military events, but this time he did not.

      Current date/time is Tue 21 Jan 2025, 4:44 pm