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    Inconsistent news about the health of the North Korean leader

    Admin Assist
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    Inconsistent news about the health of the North Korean leader Empty Inconsistent news about the health of the North Korean leader

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Apr 2020, 2:02 am

    Inconsistent news about the health of the North Korean leader

    Inconsistent news about the health of the North Korean leader 1-1281000
    {International: Al Furat News} Yonhap news agency quoted a South Korean government official as saying on Tuesday that the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is not very ill, opposing a report published by the American CNN, which stated that Kim is “in great danger”. After he underwent surgery.
    A media report in South Korea also stated that the North Korean leader is receiving treatment after undergoing a cardiovascular procedure early this month, amid speculation about Kim's health after his absence from an important annual event.
    The Daily NK website, which is run mostly by North Korean defectors, quoted sources inside North Korea as saying that Kim was recovering in a villa in Huangsan County on the country's eastern coast after he underwent medical treatment in a hospital there on April 12.
    South Korea's Ministry of Unity declined to comment on the report.
    The website report said Kim's health had deteriorated in the past few months due to heavy smoking, obesity and overwork.
    "What I understood is that he has been suffering (from cardiovascular problems) since August, but the matter is exacerbated after his repeated visits to Mount Paektu," the report quoted a source as saying.
    He added that Kim went to the hospital after he chaired a meeting of the ruling Labor Party political office on April 11, and this was the last time the North Korean leader was seen in public.
    CNN had quoted an official that Kim Jong Un had recently missed his grandfather's birthday celebration on April 15, which sparked speculation about his safety, and was seen four days earlier at a government meeting.
    She added that the North Korean leader is suffering from a serious health condition after undergoing surgery.
    Ammar Al-Masoudi is finished

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