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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary work expects the passage of the retirement and insurance law for the private sector d

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Parliamentary work expects the passage of the retirement and insurance law for the private sector d Empty Parliamentary work expects the passage of the retirement and insurance law for the private sector d

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Apr 2021, 7:48 am

     Parliamentary work expects the passage of the retirement and insurance law for the private sector during the current parliamentary session

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    The Parliamentary Labor, Immigration and Migration Committee expected that the
     retirement and social security law for the private sector would see the light during the current parliamentary session, while the Ministry of Labor confirmed that it would ease the pressure on appointments in government institutions. 
    "There are unremitting efforts to legislate the retirement and social security law during the current parliamentary session, in order to adopt it and implement it," said Hussein Arab, deputy head of the committee, in an interview with Al-Sabah newspaper.
    He explained that "the law includes privileges for workers in the private sector, such as age, difference in salary, and health care." 
    Arabs pointed out that "the law will be a second umbrella for appointments and will provide thousands of job opportunities in private institutions, as there will be a desire for graduates or the unemployed to obtain a job opportunity in these institutions."
    And he added, "The law is similar to the government retirement law for state employees, with its paragraphs and texts, as it is a solution to the problems of the working class in the private sector in an administrative and legal way that guarantees their rights and does not grant the employer the authority to terminate their services." 
    For his part, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Dr. Adel Al-Rikabi, stated that "the new retirement and social security law is one of the strategic laws of the country because it includes many privileges for workers in the private sector, whether it is a company, college, or any of the civil institutions in the country."
    "The ministry binds the employer not to terminate the services of workers in these institutions, which will solve the problem of unemployment in society and direct the graduates to work in the private sector and not rely solely on government jobs because the law guarantees them full rights that secure a living for them and their families," he stressed.
    He pointed out that "the ministry is working to send inspection teams to the institution that the employer terminates the services of workers through the complaints that the ministry records in this regard with the help of workers to refer him and hold him legally accountable in the labor court."
    Al-Rikabi added, "The new law protects workers in the private sector in exchange for a 5% deduction from their total wages."

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