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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Oil: The contracts concluded with international companies are monthly, not daily sales

    Admin Assist
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    Oil: The contracts concluded with international companies are monthly, not daily sales Empty Oil: The contracts concluded with international companies are monthly, not daily sales

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 May 2021, 7:50 am

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    Baghdad - INA - Muhammad al-Talbi
    The Ministry of Oil announced today, Monday, that the approved Iraqi oil price is monthly and not daily, indicating that the contracts concluded with international companies are monthly.
    The ministry’s spokesman, Asim Jihad, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), "The Ministry of Oil expressed its hope and optimism for the stability of oil prices during the coming period according to expectations after the decision to gradually lift the restriction on many activities in European countries and elsewhere," indicating that "this is reflected positively." On consumption and global oil market movement. "
    Jihad added that "the embargo led to economic stagnation, but taking measures led to an improvement in oil prices and the stability of global oil markets," noting that "the approved pricing for Iraqi oil is monthly, not daily."
    Jihad called on "the media and analysts not to fall into the problem of daily variables in oil prices and their repercussions on Iraqi oil prices," stressing "not to promote some individual speculations, especially those related to oil prices."
    Jihad emphasized that "the contracts concluded between SOMO and international companies are monthly contracts and not daily sales," pointing to the "statistical review issued by the ministry on a monthly basis, which includes the quantities of exported oil 

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