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    Parliamentary Committee: The new Iraqi Penal Code did not reach Parliament

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary Committee: The new Iraqi Penal Code did not reach Parliament Empty Parliamentary Committee: The new Iraqi Penal Code did not reach Parliament

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Aug 2021, 7:08 am

    [size=36][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/size]

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    On Monday (August 31, 2021), the Parliamentary Legal Committee suggested passing the new draft Penal Code, which will be an alternative to Penal Code No. 111 of 1969, in the next parliamentary session, stressing that the law has not yet reached the House of Representatives. 
    Committee member Bahar Mahmoud told  IQ News that "the new draft penal code, which the Presidency of the Republic announced that it has completed its preparations, has not yet reached Parliament," noting that "its arrival requires a lot of discussions and deliberation with the competent authorities, in order to mature or Modify some paragraphs. 
    Mahmoud added, "The new law is one of the most important laws that will achieve justice and the rule of law, and prosecute new crimes involving technology and technology," stressing that "the country's legal system needs reforms." 
    Mahmoud indicated that "legislation of the new law requires a vote of the majority of parliament and the cancellation of the old law, and then the time remaining for the end of the current parliamentary session is not enough to pass it, which will prompt the parliament to deport it to the next parliament upon its arrival."
    On Tuesday (August 17, 2021), the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, confirmed that the new draft penal code "aims to end texts carried over from the era of dictatorship, and place Iraq among the countries that adhere to international standards in crime, punishment and freedoms."
    And the advisor to the Presidency of the Republic, Munif Al-Shammari, had revealed on Wednesday (August 18, 2021), details related to the draft of the new penal code, which was presented by the President of the Republic, Barham Salih. It changed imprisonment and their electronic monitoring, in addition to imposing penalties for "witches, charlatans, and those who insult the word of God, as well as protecting the family by preventing the leakage of pictures and personal conversations."
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