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    Indicators on impact and the number of Chinese to the ranks of Daash in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Indicators on impact and the number of Chinese to the ranks of Daash in Iraq Empty Indicators on impact and the number of Chinese to the ranks of Daash in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Jul 2014, 7:11 am

    Indicators on impact and the number of Chinese to the ranks of Daash in Iraq

    Follow-up - and babysit - said China's special envoy to the Middle East Monday that Muslim extremists from Xinjiang in the far west of the country traveled to the Middle East to be trained, although some of them may have traveled to Iraq to participate in the escalating violence there.

    And China has repeatedly expressed concern about the escalating violence in Iraq and the progress of the organization "Daash" there after that dominated the vast areas in northern Iraq following the withdrawal of the Iraqi army from these areas.

    A report by Reuters, Wu Sike, China's envoy to the Middle East, who returned from a visit to the region in recent times that his country is extremely concerned with the role played by extremist groups in the fighting in Syria and Iraq.

    "The number of hot issues in the Middle East and provided places to live where terrorist groups, especially the crisis in Syria, which has turned the country into a training ground for extremists from many countries."

    Said Wu, who speaks Arabic and has diplomatic experience in the Middle East over the 40-year-old "These extremists come from Muslim countries, Europe and North America and China. Having grown up on the extremist ideas will form upon their return to the homeland serious threat and a security threat to those countries."

    Wu did not estimate the number of Chinese citizens who could be in the Middle East, whether fighting or training, saying only that he had learned from the foreign media reports that they appreciate about a hundred.

    "The majority of members of the East Turkistan." He said he raised these issues during the talks on the trip, especially in Turkey, which is home to a large number of Chinese Uighur Muslims.

    Wu said Beijing would do all it could to help the countries of the Middle East to fight terrorism, because that in the interest of China.

    The estimated U.S. intelligence agencies that the foreign fighters, mostly from Europe around 7000 estimate of between 23,000 extreme operating in Syria. G / H 

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