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    Cabinet Secretariat announced the distribution of more than 42 billion to victims of terrorism

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Cabinet Secretariat announced the distribution of more than 42 billion to victims of terrorism Empty Cabinet Secretariat announced the distribution of more than 42 billion to victims of terrorism

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Sep 2014, 4:17 am

    Cabinet Secretariat announced the distribution of more than 42 billion to victims of terrorism

    Alsumaria news/Baghdad

    The Secretariat announced a Cabinet Wednesday, distributing more than 42 billion dinars to 9,000 affected victims of terrorism during the past eight months, with confirmed completion of a large number of transactions affected.

    Executive Director of the Central Committee to compensate people affected by the military operations and the military and operational errors "terrorist" improved Secretariat Jassim blessings in a Sumerian "news informed him that" the total amounts distributed to citizens affected by terrorism victims since 1 January 2014 to 31 August of the same year, amounted to 42 billion dollars and 146 million and 392 thousand dinars. "

    "These amounts included more than 9,000 and 678 affected martyrs and injured and damaged their property as a result of the terrorist attacks and military errors", stating that "the numbers distributed between 2574 of martyrs and injured and 2020 5084th who damaged property in the 15 governorates."

    Barakat said that "the Central Committee and subcommittees in Baghdad and the provinces persist in processing citizens affected by the victims of terrorism, as did many of their transactions," pointing out that "the Committee pending general budget for compensation of completed transactions."

    Central Committee for people affected by hostilities and military errors "terrorist" operations in (7 August 2014), as on Saturday of every week durable for its members, noting that the goal of the resolution, delivery of the largest number of transactions "victims of terrorism".

    The Cabinet issued in 2009 No. 20 to compensate those affected by the military operations and the military and operational errors, "terrorist", and the text of the law on the compensation of the dead three million and 750,000 dinars and covered by pension and a piece of land, with the wounded according to the degree of disability offset to which they were subjected.

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