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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    "Kurdistan secede again"... Kurdish accusations against Baghdad of pushing the region to escalatepro

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    "Kurdistan secede again"... Kurdish accusations against Baghdad of pushing the region to escalatepro Empty "Kurdistan secede again"... Kurdish accusations against Baghdad of pushing the region to escalatepro

    Post by Rocky Thu 09 Feb 2023, 6:53 am

    "Kurdistan secede again"... Kurdish accusations against Baghdad of pushing the region to escalate[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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    Baghdad Today - Follow-up
    (Baghdad Today) followed the controversy in political circles and observers of Iraqi affairs, after the Federal Court approved the unconstitutionality of the oil and gas law in the Kurdistan Region.
    Al-Arab newspaper raised this controversy by highlighting the most prominent reactions, some of which considered that the decision may lift the legitimacy of all the institutions of the Kurdistan region.
    The newspaper quoted Kurdish political circles as saying, "The Federal Court, which took a few days ago the decision to prevent the transfer of funds to the region, as part of the Iraqi government's obligations towards the rest of the provinces, thus undermines the links of communication between Baghdad and Kurdistan, and pushes the region to escalate and return to the discourse of secession.”
    Observers say, according to the newspaper, that the Kurdistan Authority has persisted in its policy of escaping forward, that it wants to obtain gains from the central government without any commitment, and that the decisions of the Federal Court come to bring the region back to reality, and that it must act as part of Iraq and not as a state within a country.
    It is not excluded that the Kurdistan region will refuse to deal with the decision to stop the extension of Parliament, but this will further strain its relationship with Baghdad, and will give a strong justification for implementing the Federal Court's decision regarding preventing the transfer of funds to the region, whether in the form of salaries or in the form of an annual budget.
    Last February, the Federal Court issued a decision stating that the oil and gas law of the Kurdistan Regional Government, issued in 2007, was unconstitutional, and canceled for violating the provisions of constitutional articles, as well as obligating the region to hand over oil production. to the federal government.
    In response to the court's recent decision, the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, sent a message to public opinion accusing the Federal Court of carrying out suspicious agendas.
    In his message, he indicated that participation in the State Administration Coalition and the formation of the new government was based on a clear and detailed program agreed upon by all parties, stressing that the entitlements of the region are a legitimate right of the people of Kurdistan , and part of the program that was agreed upon.
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