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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Democrat: The region's share of the budget will not be sent until after the enactment of the oil and

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    Democrat: The region's share of the budget will not be sent until after the enactment of the oil and Empty Democrat: The region's share of the budget will not be sent until after the enactment of the oil and

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Feb 2023, 2:23 pm

    Democrat: The region's share of the budget will not be sent until after the enactment of the oil and gas law

     Time : 2023/02/21 22:30:12
    A member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Wafa Muhammad Karim, revealed an agreement not to send the Kurdistan region's share of the budget until after the enactment of the oil and gas law.
    Karim told Rabnaj {without accusation} broadcast by Al-Furat satellite channel on Tuesday evening, that: "The Kurdistan region entered into many agreements and treaties with alliances and coalitions in Baghdad and is accustomed to breaking covenants and not respecting contracts."
    He added that "the region's share in the federal budget was 12.67, equivalent to 900 billion dinars, and Baghdad cut 700 billion dinars because the region did not meet the payment of its oil, and received only two financial payments in 2022."
    Karim pointed out that "the problem lies in the lack of a guarantee from Baghdad to deliver the region's oil in exchange for its financial share in the budget, and the region is not a province, but has the right to use its constitutional and legal authority according to Article 21 of the Iraqi constitution."
    He explained, "The lack of general census is the crisis of the problem between Baghdad and Erbil, and today the random estimated population of the region 14%, and there is an agreement that the share of the region will be either 14% or 13.9%," pointing out that "if determined, it will not be sent until after the legislation of the oil and gas law; for this the visits of the Kurdish delegation continue according to the specified time mechanism for 6 months."
    However, Karim added, "The current atmosphere regarding the legislation of the oil and gas law is positive, and it was agreed in principle to determine the share of the region until the law is enacted, and we are optimistic about Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani and the political forces in approving the law."
    Regarding the recent statement of the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, Karim said, "Barzani's statement was clear about the relationship with Baghdad, so what is the point of the Kurds remaining in the federal government without implementing contracts and covenants."
    "The Federal Court's decision on oil and gas was on the federal budget law for the year 2021 and not on the 2023 budget, so the region has the right to claim the center for the lists of Iraqi oil exports, and Baghdad has cut off $ 50 billion from the region since 2014," he said.
    "The four border crossings in the region have been linked electronically to the federal government," Karim concluded.
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