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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Studies Center: Barham Salih's reforms are a political thesis.. Where were the solutions during his

    Admin Assist
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    Studies Center: Barham Salih's reforms are a political thesis.. Where were the solutions during his  Empty Studies Center: Barham Salih's reforms are a political thesis.. Where were the solutions during his

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Apr 2023, 3:47 pm

    [size=52]Studies Center: Barham Salih's reforms are a political thesis.. Where were the solutions during his administration?[/size]
    • Today 19:13


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    Information / special.
    Today, Wednesday, the head of the Summit Center for Strategic Studies, Haider al-Moussawi, considered the position of the former President of the Republic, Barham Salih, on the necessity of radical reforms to the political system as a “political thesis.” While he confirmed that the latter was a party to the recent crisis, he asked him a question.
    Al-Moussawi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, "What comes out of some politicians is (a political thesis) whose aim is to contradict or try to export some visions in order to create a crisis or a specific situation."
    He added, "The former President of the Republic, Barham Salih, and during his term of office, many observations were recorded on him during the previous period," noting that "he was not a party to resolving the recent political crisis, but rather he was a party to it."
    Mousawi asked: "Where was Saleh during that period of political correction that he is presenting now?", stressing that "his session did not witness the submission of even one proposal for a draft law by the Presidency of the Republic."
    The director of the summit center explained: "According to the Iraqi constitution, whoever proposes laws is the executive authority represented by the presidency of the republic and the ministers, but this thing was not present in the previous session."
    Al-Moussawi pointed out, "These theses may be intended as a political rivalry or to push some political forces to adopt certain positions."
    The former President of the Republic, Barham Salih, considered that "the political system has reached its end," saying that Iraq is in need of radical reforms, a new political vision, reconciliation between the components of society, a historical pact between the state and society, and a commitment to good governance.
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