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    The Security Council extends the "UNAMI" mission in Iraq and reviews its mission

    Admin Assist
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    The Security Council extends the "UNAMI" mission in Iraq and reviews its mission Empty The Security Council extends the "UNAMI" mission in Iraq and reviews its mission

    Post by Rocky Tue 30 May 2023, 6:35 am

    The Security Council extends the "UNAMI" mission in Iraq and reviews its mission

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    2023-05-30 04:18

    Shafaq News/ The UN Security Council website stated that a session will be held within the coming hours to vote on a draft resolution to renew the mandate of the "UNAMI" mission in Iraq for one year, until May 31, 2024, and it is expected that the vote will be unanimous.
    A report of the site, translated by Shafaq News agency, indicated that the United States had presented the first draft of the resolution to members of the Security Council on May 10, and one round of negotiations was held on May 15, then Washington re-presented a revised draft on May 19. May, then another revised version on May 23, and put it under silence until May 25, but the Chinese and Russians broke the silence, after which a third revised version was presented on the 26th of the month.

    Although the report indicated that there is a unified position in general among the members of the Security Council in support of the "UNAMI" mission, there is a widely shared feeling among the members of the Council about the need to review the long mandate of the mission's mandate in light of the improvement in the political and security situation in Iraq.
    The report added that the Iraqi government supports this position, according to what appears in the letter dated May 18 from the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres.
    The report indicated that the draft resolution requests the Secretary-General to carry out an independent strategic review of the UNAMI mission and submit it to the Security Council, no later than March 31, 2024, in consultation with the Government of Iraq, in addition to agencies, member states, regional organizations, experts, civil society and the Government of Kuwait ( In line with paragraph 4 of Resolution 2107 of 27 June 2013, which transferred the issues of Iraq and Kuwait to the mandate of UNAMI).
    The report added that the review mission will assess the current threats to peace and security in Iraq, assess the importance of continuing the tasks and priorities of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, and put forward recommendations to improve the mandate of the "UNAMI" mission, the structure of the mission and the staff to support the Iraqi government in facing the challenges of peace and security.
    The review mission will also identify additional options to support the Government of Iraq in promoting effective regional cooperation on issues such as border security, removal of landmines, explosive remnants of war, and the refugee issue, and in the field of energy, water, and the harmful effects of climate change, especially those that lead to desertification and drought. 
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